Versions Compared


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Table of Contents
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Expression Builder allows you to create advanced custom metrics via providing formula-like expressions about how to select, aggregate, or filter data.

To open it, go to Project Configuration → Data Sources → Custom Metrics → Advanced Configuration Over PERF Data. Click Calculation to enter or edit the expression.

A windows with metric calculation rule will open. You will see 3 areas there:

  1. Information pane: available fields, functions, operations, projections, restrictions and orders - these are "building blocks" for any expression
  2. Edit pane: here you will enter your expression
  3. Preview pane: here you will see a generated chart. 

In the editing area you should write code to generate new chart. For more detailed instructions about coding see Section Use the Expression Builder below.

By default, section at the bottom of the window is empty. Choose a chart type and click Preview to see a chart. In case there are any syntax or content errors, the area will display an error message. If there is no data to calculate in this very project, the area will remain empty. 

Data Representation

To build custom metrics, PERF uses data from project tracking systems, such as JIRA, in case they are connected to this node. Each issue a from a project tracking system has a number of predefined attributes (see Section Available Fields below). When you make requests in the expression builder, you are operating with a plain denormalized table, where PERF keeps this data.

What a "denormalization" means? For example, in case an issue is assigned to two different sprints then such an issue will appear twice in the data table. 

Or if an issue has more then just one WorkLog Entry then the whole row will be repeated for every WorkLog Entry.

Available Fields

titleClick to see the list


Most of the fields are just the same you have in a JIRA issue card. In addition there are some more complicated fields.

FieldExample value

Component (deprecated)"Documentation", "Backend", "Email Subsystem", etc.

[Array type field] "Documentation", "Backend", "Email Subsystem", etc.

Note: Used with such restrictions as "hasAll" and "hasAny", impossible to use with other restrictions

Label (deprecated)

"doc", "client", "wow", etc.

Note: labels in upper-case and lower-case are recognized as different.

Labels[Array type field] "doc", "client", "wow", etc.

Note: labels in upper-case and lower-case are recognized as different. Used with such restrictions as "hasAll" and "hasAny", impossible to use with other restrictions

Environment"IE9", "Windows 10"
Story Points3/5/8/13/etc.
Sprint NameR1.6 Sprint 1

Sprint Start Date

Sprint End Date2/28/2018
Sprint StateIn progress/Closed/etc.
StatusOpen/In progress/Verified/Closed/etc.
ResolutionApproved/Fixed/Implemented/Won't fix
AssigneeJane Doe
Fix Version NameR1.6
Fix Version End Date


Fix Version Start Date

10/22/2018 (please note: all letters in low register)
Created Date9/15/2018
Updated Date9/21/2018
Resolution Date9/27/2018
Due Date9/30/2018
Original Estimate22h
Remaining Estimate3h
Epic KeyEPMPRF-234
Epic Summary"Login page"
WorkLog Date4/17/2018
WorkLog ReporterIvan Smirnov
WorkLog Time Spent3h
ResolverJane Doe
Lead Timetime spent on a task completion: starting from the moment of its creation and finishing when it's closed
Cycle Timetime spent by a task in work, i.e. in progress
Time in Statustime spent by an issue in its workflow statuses
Status in Historyset of statuses the issue stayed in during its life time
Time to Reactiontime elapsed between issue creation and their status changed for the first time
Time Spent with Childrentime spent including time spent on implementing sub items
Time Remaining with Childrentime remaining including time remaining on implementing sub items
Time estimate with Childrentime estimation including estimates for sub items
Custom Field Name

JIRA custom field name. PERF can process the custom fields of the following types:

  • string
  • number
  • user

Make sure that you have defined the corresponding Custom Field in your project tracking system before its usage.

Custom Field ValueValue for a custom field
SummaryTicket title
Issue nameSummary text provided for a ticket 

titleDates format

It is better to use dates in an expression in the following formats:

  • yyyy-mm-dd
  • mm/dd/yyyy
  • Month-yy
  • Month

Date is one of the formats above is sorted in an ascending/descending order properly on the axis X.

The dates in the following formats will likely be sorted improperly on the axis X:

  • m/d e.g. 3/14 meaning March 14.
  • Mmm-yy
  • D-Mmm e.g. 14-Mar
  • D-Mmm-yy e.g. 14-Mar-20
  • Month day, yyyy e.g. March 14, 2020
  • Any date format accompanied with time, e.g. 3/14/20 1:30 PM, 3/14/20 13:30.

Quick Start Examples

The simple example of the chart that displays Number of bugs and sub-bugs found by all reporters.

The more sophisticated example below shows team velocity, which is literally the time that team spends for the issue in a certain status.

What is the logic here?

  • First you group data by Sprint Name. Each sprint then have grouping by Status.
  • The y-axis displays Original Estimate time from JIRA. As far as JIRA calculates time in minutes, we do divide it with a constant value = 60 to get hours. Name Velocity, hours is required argument of the divide() function, but chart does not display it.
  • Next projection of Sprint Start Date has the false argument, that means we do not display it on the y-axis, but the expression builder is able to count it.
  • Restriction filters only those sprints, that have ended after 2017-11-01.
  • We order data by Sprint Start Date. Always order by defined projection! In case we do not define this projection before, the Order function will receive the empty value and the expression builder will not be able to display the chart.


Expression Builder Essentials

An expression (so called "criteria") consists of the following:

1,2 - Projection

3 - Restriction (optional)

4 - Order (optional)


The sequence of elements is fixed:

  1. addProjection(<..>)
  2. .addProjection(<..>)
  3. .addRestriction(<...>)
  4. .addOrder(<...>)

Expression breaking this sequence will not work.

What is a Projection?

Projection is a data series you want to see in the chart. Or it can be an invisible data series, but which still used in other elements of the expression, for example for ordering.

Each row like:

Code Block
.addProjection( <type of projection> ( <"values"> ))

adds a coordinate axis to the chart.

First row will define the axis of abscissae (X).

Code Block
            .addRestriction(eq("Sprint Name", "R1.6 Sprint 4"))

To select few types of issues use joinForGrouping function: 

Code Block
addProjection(joinForGrouping("Result", groupProperty("Type"), groupProperty("Priority")))                
            .addRestriction(eq("Sprint Name", "R1.6 Sprint 4"))

This will group data by the second property within groups by first property.

In the above example data will be grouped by Type, and each type's group then will have data grouped by Priority.


For defining the axis of abscissa (X) you can use groupProperty, joinForGrouping projections only. You can use other possible projections for defining the axis of ordinates (Y).

Next row will define data series to see in the chart.  Every new row will add new series to the chart.

Code Block
addProjection(groupProperty("Sprint Name"))

Code Block
addProjection(groupProperty("Sprint Name"))
			.addProjection(sum("Story Points"))

Code Block
addProjection(groupProperty("Sprint Name"))
			.addProjection(sum("Story Points"))
			.addProjection(sum("Remaining Estimate"))

Chart displays the name of each data series below as a legend (by default - it takes name of each projection). You can add an optional string value as the last argument in the function to define another name to display in the legend:

Code Block
addProjection(groupProperty("Sprint Name"))
			.addProjection(count("Key", "Issues count")) //default name - "Key"

Chart will display the name of the (Y) axis below. 

Available Projections

You can find description of all available projections below.

titleClick to see the list

Here is the list of functions that you can use in the axis definition:


There are values of the function in brackets. Find the possible values (the same as in JIRA) in the Fields Names list above.

avg(string)the average (arithmetic mean) of all input values
constValue(number)represents numeric constant value e.g. for arithmetical operations  divide(sum("Original Estimate"), constValue(60), "Original Estimate in Hours"))
count(key)counts the amount of items
count(key, string)counts the amount of issues, displays the alias "string"
day(string)extracts day in format YYYY-MM-DD from some date time filed. Can be used in restrictions only. e.g. eq(day("Created Date"), "2018-01-01")
day(string, string)identical to day(string) but gives ability to define some alias to the result
day(string, string, boolean)identical to day(string) but gives ability to define some alias to the result and control visibility by boolean flag
divide(projection, projection, string)arithmetical operation division. e.g. divide(sum("Original Estimate"), sum("Story Points"), "H per SP")
divide(projection, projection, string, boolean)identical to divide(projection, projection, string) but with ability to control result visibility


uses some field for grouping e.g. group by sprint groupProperty("Sprint Name") 
groupProperty(string, boolean)identical to groupProperty(string) but with ability to control result visibility (false makes it invisible)

groupProperty(string, string, boolean)

identical to groupProperty(string) but with ability to control result visibility and output name e.g.  groupProperty("Sprint Name", "Sprint", true)

joinForGrouping(string, projection, projection)

two dimension grouping e.g. calculate count of issues in different statuses per priority
addProjection(joinForGrouping("Result", groupProperty("Priority"), groupProperty("Status"))).addProjection(count("Key"))


joinForPercentage(string, projection, projection)

calculates percent in two-dimensional grouping (for the 2nd dimension) e.g. calculate count of issues in different statuses per priority
addProjection(joinForPercentage("Result", groupProperty("Priority"), groupProperty("Status"))).addProjection(count("Key"))


joinText(string, boolean, projection[])

to show a particular label text at axis X including information from 2+ fields. Boolean parameter: if 'true' - text becomes invisible.
joinText(string, projection[])to show a particular label text at axis X including information from 2+ fields


maximum value across all input values


minimum value across all input values
minus(projection, projection, string)arithmetical operation subtraction. e.g. minus(sum("Original Estimate"), sum("Remaining Estimate"), "Original - Remaining")
minus(projection, projection, string, boolean)identical to minus(projection, projection, string) but with ability to control result visibility
minusDate(projection, projection, string)calculates difference between two dates e.g.
minusDate(groupProperty("Sprint End Date"), groupProperty("Sprint Start Date"), "Sprint Duration")
minusDate(projection, projection, string, boolean)identical to minusDate(projection, projection, string) with ability to control result visibility
month(string)extracts month in format YYYY-MM from some date time filed. Can be used in restrictions only. e.g. eq(month("Created Date"), "2018-01")
month(string, string)identical to month(string) but gives ability to define some alias to the result
month(string, string, boolean)identical to month(string) but gives ability to define some alias to the result and control visibility by boolean flag (false means invisible)
multiply(projection, projection, string)arithmetical operation multiplication. e.g. multiply(constValue(24), constValue(7), "24x7")
multiply(projection, projection, string, boolean)identical to multiply(projection, projection, string) but with ability to control result visibility
plus(projection, projection, string)arithmetical operation addition. e.g. plus(constValue(1), constValue(1), "1+1")
plus(projection, projection, string, boolean)identical to plus(projection, projection, string) but with ability to control result visibility
plus(string, boolean, projection[])arithmetical operation addition for multiple projections with ability to control result visibility. e.g. plus("1+1+1", true, constValue(1), constValue(1), constValue(1))
property(string)use some field  e.g. property("Key")
property(string, string)identical to property(string) but with ability to control output name e.g. property("Key", "Ticket Identificator")
sum(string)sum across all input values
weekOfMonth(string)extracts week of month in format YYYY-MM(W) from some date time filed. Can be used in restrictions only. e.g. eq(weekOfMonth("Created Date"), "2018-01(1)")
weekOfMonth(string, string)identical to weekOfMonth(string) but gives ability to define some alias to the result
weekOfMonth(string, string, boolean)identical to weekOfMonth(string) but gives ability to define some alias to the result and control visibility by boolean flag
weekOfYear(string)extracts week of year in format YYYY(WW) from some date time filed. Can be used in restrictions only. e.g. eq(weekOfYear("Created Date"), "2018(18)")
weekOfYear(string, string)identical to weekOfYear(string) but gives ability to define some alias to the result
weekOfYear(string, string, boolean)identical to weekOfYear(string) but gives ability to define some alias to the result and control visibility by boolean flag
year(string)extracts year in format YYYY from some date time filed. Can be used in restrictions only. e.g. eq(year("Created Date"), "2018")
year(string, string)identical to year(string) but gives ability to define some alias to the result
year(string, string, boolean)identical to year(string) but gives ability to define some alias to the result and control visibility by boolean flag

What is a Restriction?

A restriction is a limitation applied to data you want to see in the chart. So that you can decide what exactly is important to see in the chart and what should be filtered out.

Here you can use the mathematical logic of AND and OR, as well as such expressions as =><. You can find description of these functions in the corresponding list below.

Note: pay attention to the order of the operations and separate them with brackets in order to avoid mistakes. Take a look into two different issues:

Code Block
			.addProjection(count("Key", "Issues Count"))
                        		or(eq("Type", "Bug"), eq("Type", "Sub-bug")),
                        		eq("Sprint Name", "R1.6 Sprint 4") //specific sprint ID
            .addOrder(desc("Issues Count"))

Code Block
            .addProjection(count("Key", "Issues Count"))
                        		 and(eq("Type", "Bug"), eq("Type", "Sub-bug")),
                        		 eq("Sprint Name", "R1.6 Sprint 4") //specific sprint ID
            .addOrder(desc("Issues Count"))

Available Restrictions

A full list of the restrictions available below.

titleClick to see the list

The following functions will help you to adjust data series in the chart to specific needs:

and(restriction, restriction)and
and(restriction[])and (array of restrictions)
eq(string, object)equal 
gt(string, object)greater than 
gte(string, object)greater than or equal
lt(string, object)less than
lte(string, object)less than or equal
neq(string, object)not equal
or(restriction, restriction)or 
or(restriction[])or (array of restrictions) 
like(string, object)define mask to filter items; 'string' - by what field to search a match; 'object' - by what symbols to search, it is case sensitive
notLike(string, object)the same as like restriction, but not like
hasAny(string, string[])

"string" - array type field; "string[]" - list of field values. Finds issues, which has any of specified values in specified field

Note: When using with single value field this restriction works like "or" restriction

hasAll(string, string[])

"string" - array type field; "string[]" - list of field values. Finds issues, which has all specified values in specified field

Note: Impossible to use with single value fields

What is an Order?

This operation is in charge of ranking values: lowest-highest or reversed.

You can change that with ascending or descending function. Functions are the same for numbers and strings.

Also, this operation is optional. In case you do not use it, chart will display values in a undefined order.

Order the function values with:

  • asc(string) - ascending function
  • desc(string) - descending function

Step-by-Step Examples

Let us suggest the ways you might use the expression builder.

Single-Series Charts

Use case 1: I want to know who submitted bugs and sub-bugs on my project and how many bugs submitted by each person


Code Block
   			.addProjection(count("Key", "Issues Count"))
			.addRestriction(or(eq("Type", "Bug"), eq("Type", "Sub-bug")))

You should see:

OR a bit sophisticated - order by count of bugs to easier see a leader

Code Block
   			.addProjection(count("Key", "Issues Count"))
			.addRestriction(or(eq("Type", "Bug"), eq("Type", "Sub-bug")))
   			.addOrder(asc("Issues Count"))


(chart type is Column)

Use case 2: I want to know who submitted bugs and sub-bugs for the last sprint


Code Block
            .addProjection(count("Key", "Issues Count"))
                        		  or(eq("Type", "Bug"), eq("Type", "Sub-bug")),
                        		  eq("Sprint Name", "R1.6 Sprint 4") //specific sprint ID
            .addOrder(desc("Issues Count"))

You should see:

(chart type is Column)

Use case 3: I wonder how many issues are in every sprint after August 2017


Code Block
addProjection(groupProperty("Sprint Name"))
            .addProjection(groupProperty("Sprint Start Date", false))
            .addRestriction(gt("Sprint Start Date", "2017-09-01"))
            .addOrder(asc("Sprint Start Date"))

You should see:

(chart type is Column)

Use case 4: I want to know number of issues per Label for a particular sprint


Code Block
        	.addProjection(count("Key", "Issue Count"))
        	.addRestriction(eq("Sprint Name", "R1.6 Sprint 4"))

You should see:

(chart type is Column)

Use case 5: I wonder how much time on average is spent for implementing a user story of a specific size


Code Block
.addProjection(groupProperty("Story Points"))
.addProjection(divide(avg("WorkLog Time Spent Σ"), constValue(60), "Avg hours"))
.addProjection(divide(min("WorkLog Time Spent Σ"), constValue(60), "Min hours"))
.addProjection(divide(max("WorkLog Time Spent Σ"), constValue(60), "Max hours"))
.addOrder(asc("Story Points"))

You should see:

(chart type is Table)

Use case 6: I'd like to know how many issues product builds cover. I want to highlight product build naming is a very specific one


Code Block
addProjection(groupProperty("Fix Version Name"))
.addProjection(groupProperty("Fix Version End Date", false))
.addRestriction(like("Fix Version Name", "Drop*" ))
.addOrder(desc("Fix Version End Date"))

You should see:

(chart type is Column)

Use case 7: I want to know a number of issues by version. It's also good to know from the chart a version end date


Code Block
addProjection(joinText("res", groupProperty ("Fix Version Name"), weekOfYear("Fix Version End Date")))
.addRestriction(gt("Fix Version Start Date", "2018-06-01"))

You should see:

(chart type is Column)

Use case 8: I'm interested in tasks distribution between QA engineers


Code Block
.addProjection(groupProperty("Custom Field Value"))
.addProjection(count("Key", "Issues Count"))
.addRestriction(eq("Custom Field Name", "Responsible QA"))

You should see:

(chart type is Column)

Use case 9: I want to know howlong epicsstay in an open status


Code Block
addProjection(joinForGrouping("Stale Epics", groupProperty("Status"), groupProperty("Epic Summary")))
.addProjection(minusDate(currentDate(), groupProperty("Created Date"), "Days"))
.addRestriction(gt("Created Date","2018-01-01"))

You should see:

(chart type is Column)

Use case 10: I want to track the increase in business value delivered by development teams over time


Code Block
.addProjection(month("Resolution Date"))
.addProjection(sum("Custom Field Value"))
.addRestriction(eq("Custom Field Name","Business Value"))
.addOrder(asc("Resolution Date"))

You should see:

(chart type is Column)

Use case 11: Calculate  technical debt with Task Tracking System


Code Block
.addProjection(day("Created Date"))                                        // issue creation date
.addProjection(divide(sum("Original Estimate"), constValue(60), "hours"))  // issue estimation
.addRestriction(hasAny("Labels", "backend"))                               // labels to track issues

You should see:

(chart type is Line)

Use case 12: I want to know how much time is spent on business tasks.


Code Block
.addProjection(month("Resolution Date", "months for order", false)) 
.addProjection(sum("Time in Status", "total")) 
eq("Status in History", "Assets Needed"),
eq("Status in History", "Estimate Needed"),
eq("Status in History", "Estimate Provided"),
eq("Status in History", "Open"),
eq("Status in History", "In Progress"),
eq("Status in History", "Ready for QA"),
eq("Status in History", "In QA"),
eq("Status in History", "In UAT"),
eq("Status in History", "Ready for Release"),
eq("Status in History", "Released in Production"),
eq("Status in History", "Verified in Production"),
eq("Status in History", "Reopened"),
eq("Status in History", "Closed")))
eq("Type", "Story"),
eq("Type", "Task"),
eq("Type", "Enhancement"),
eq("Type", "Bug")))
.addProjection(groupProperty("months for order")) 
.addProjection(divide(avg("total"), constValue(1440), "avg days")) 
.addRestriction(isNotEmpty("months for order"))
.addRestriction(gt("months for order", "2019-12"))
.addOrder(asc("months for order"))

You should see:

(chart type is Spline)

Multi-Series Charts

Use case 1: I need to know number of issues with different priorities by types in particular sprint


Code Block
addProjection(joinForGrouping("Result", groupProperty("Type"), groupProperty("Priority"))) 
            .addRestriction(eq("Sprint Name", "R1.6 Sprint 4"))

You should see:

(chart type is Column)

Use case 2: I wonder what is a percent of issues with different priorities by types in particular sprint


Code Block
addProjection(joinForPercentage("Result", groupProperty("Type"), groupProperty("Priority")))
            .addRestriction(eq("Sprint Name", "R1.6 Sprint 4"))

You should see:

(chart type is Column)

Use case 3: I want to know sum of original & remaining estimate (converted to hours) per sprint


Code Block
addProjection(groupProperty("Sprint Name"))
        	.addProjection(divide(sum("Original Estimate"), constValue(60), "Original Estimate, hours"))
        	.addProjection(divide(sum("Remaining Estimate"), constValue(60), "Remaining Estimate, hours"))
        	.addOrder(asc("Original Estimate, hours"))

You should see:

 (chart type is Column)

Use case 4: I wonder how many incidents and service requests there were in scope of project epics so far


Code Block
addProjection(joinForGrouping("Result", groupProperty("Epic Summary"), groupProperty("Type") ))
.addRestriction(or(eq("Type","Incident"), eq("Type","Service Request")))

You should see:

(chart type is Area (stacked))

Use case 5: see all non-closed bugs by priorities over current status - e.g. to understand how many hi-priority bugs are open at the moment


Code Block
.addProjection(joinForGrouping("res", groupProperty("Priority"), groupProperty("Status")))
  .addRestriction(and(or(eq("Type", "Bug"), eq("Type", "Sub-bug")), neq("Status", "Closed")))

You should see:

(chart type is Column (stacked))

Use case 6: I want to see all bugs at my project by stream over months


Code Block
addProjection(joinForGrouping("r", month("Created Date"), groupProperty("Components")))
  .addProjection(count("Key", "Bugs count"))
  .addRestriction(or(eq("Type", "Bug"), eq("Type", "Sub-bug")))
  .addOrder(asc("Created Date"))

You should see:

(chart type is Doughnut)

Use case 7: I want to know what developers are mostly assigned to fix bugs in the last months


Code Block
addProjection(joinForGrouping("r", month("Created Date"), groupProperty("Assignee")))
  .addProjection(count("Key", "Bugs count"))
  .addRestriction(or(eq("Type", "Bug"), eq("Type", "Sub-bug")))
  .addOrder(asc("Created Date"))

You should see:

(chart type is Data Table)

Use case 8: I want to know defects number by origin for today


Code Block
addProjection(groupProperty("Custom Field Value"))
.addProjection(count("Key", "Calls Count"))
.addRestriction(eq("Custom Field Name", "Origin"))

You should see:

(chart type is Doughnut)

Use case 9: I want to know defects number by months sliced by a Custom Field value


Code Block
.addProjection(joinForGrouping("res", month("Created Date"), groupProperty("Custom Field Value")))
  .addRestriction(eq("Custom Field Name", "Origin"))
  .addRestriction(gt("Created Date", "2018-06-01"))
  .addOrder(asc("Created Date"))

You should see:

(chart type is Columns (stacked))

Use case 10: I want to know a release frequency by month


Code Block
        .addProjection(joinForGrouping("res", month("Fix Version End Date"), groupProperty("Fix Version Name")))
        .addProjection(groupProperty("Fix Version Name", false))
        .addProjection(month("Fix Version End Date", "Fix Version End Date Month", false))
        .addRestriction(isNotEmpty("Fix Version Name"))
.addProjection(count("Fix Version Name"))
.addProjection(groupProperty("Fix Version End Date Month", false))
.addRestriction(isNotEmpty("Fix Version End Date Month"))
.addOrder(asc("Fix Version End Date Month"))

You should see:

(chart type is Columns (stacked))

Use case 11:  I want to know average, minimum and maximum time of issue in some statuses (for example statuses from resolved to closed)


Code Block
    .addProjection(month("Resolution Date", "months for order", false)) // month of issue resolved date
    .addProjection(sum("Time in Status", "total"))                      // sum of time in statuses blow
      eq("Status in History", "Resolved"),                              // statuses we want to track (minutes)
      eq("Status in History", "QA In Progress"),
      eq("Status in History", "Verified")))
.addProjection(groupProperty("months for order"))                       // group issues by month
.addProjection(divide(avg("total"), constValue(60), "avg hours"))       // average time of issues in statuses (convert to hours)
.addProjection(divide(min("total"), constValue(60), "min hours"))       // minimum time
.addProjection(divide(max("total"), constValue(60), "max hours"))       // maximum time
.addRestriction(isNotEmpty("months for order"))                         // filter issues without resolution date
.addOrder(asc("months for order"))                                      // order values by month

You should see:

(chart type is Column)

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