Warning |
This functionality is in Beta version, it might not be available on your on-premise environment right now. In EPAM Delivery Central it is already available for all projects. |
Table of Contents |
General description
“Manual metrics” are supposed to be a managers' ability to set and update important for a project metrics, indicators and quality parameters (SLA, KPI, deliverables etc.) that impact portfolio in the sense of delivery obligations, allowing to track progress and control its efficiency.
Currently, you can find “Manual metrics” widget in Delivery Health under “Portfolio Health” section in “Metrics & KPIs”.
At the same time, “Manual Metrics” became available in Metrics → “Portfolio Metrics” tab.
Use cases (MVP)
Add metric
In order to add metrics to your Unit, you should first find the Unit you need inside the widget structure or use global hierarchy/search for that purpose.
There are two ways to add metrics to the Unit directly, in case you have permissions to manage the Unit:
click “+” button that appears hovering a row with a Unit name
use “Add Metric” button inside the dots menu on the right
Clicking any of these buttons triggers a pop-up with catalog and community metrics that allows later to save metrics to the Unit.
Info |
Catalog metric - a default metric created by the system Community metric - a metric created by users |
GIF approach:
Create metric
If there is no metric you need in the list, you can simply create a new one clicking “add a new metric” button on the bottom left. There is also a button “Create My Metric” displayed, if no matching items were found using the search.
Using one of the options triggers opens a new pop-up “Add My Metric” that, after being filled in, adds the metric to the community catalog.
Here you should fill in all mandatory information regarding metric parameters:
Metric name
Metric Unit of Measurement
Health Dimension
Description is an optional field, that should be not more than 200 symbols.
GIF approach:
Update metric
It’s possible to update metrics in the table with inline editing. Simply, fill in new values, put comments if needed, “Check in” “Save” your changes. You can update values simultaneously for the whole unit and check in save the results.
Maximum length for values - 7 symbols, type - decimals
Your metrics statuses will be automatically changed and aggregated in the bar chart. Each parent unit has aggregated statuses from all child ones.
GIF approach:
Remove metric
In order to remove metrics, you should use “dots” menu on the right, clicking “Remove Metric”.
“X” icon appears for each metric in the row. Clicking the iconbutton, triggers a validation pop-up for removal confirmation.
GIF approach:
Change thresholds
There are two ways to change metric thresholds:
Change change default thresholds when adding metric from the catalog
Change change thresholds after metric has been already added to the unit, updating the values
hovering the benchmark value in the table shows an icon on the right, by clicking the icon a popover will be triggered with “Change Thresholds” button
there should be a reason for changing the values, so comment is mandatory here
GIF approach:
Additional details TBD..
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