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This area of the application gives access to monitor all projects in the system, see all configured data source (and their statuses), manage permissions for other users, monitor visitors of the application. Entry point into this section in the application is the "Global Administration" item in top right navigation menu.


Table of Contents

Projects per Data


TBD - all types, what they mean, how they look, available operations.



TBD - only for Full Admins





This section shows configured projects per types of supported data sources - Jira, Sonar, Jenkins, Git, Gerrit. Data source of every type is represented in a separate grid, with paging and sorting.


Not only Admins can view this section - but also all staff associated with appropriate projects.

Following attributes are displayed each grid:

  • Project name / sub-project name
  • Last update - a timestamp per UTC of last data import
  • Action icon to launch a data load for a specific data source per a specific project (NOTE: only if permissions allow)
  • A status of last execution - can be "ok", "error" or "in progress"
  • Update time - in seconds, a duration of last data load
  • Result - a textual summary of data entries loaded within last launch
  • Source - a url to an instance of a tool from where data had been loaded

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Projects per Views


This view is available only for users with Admin permissions.

This view displays all projects available in the system, with ability to filter them by state in Perf (Active, or Inactive, or All).

Information provided in this grid:

  • Project name (or key)
  • Action icon to launch all associated data loads for this project, for example if there are multiple data sources configured for it.
  • E-mails of contact persons who are responsible for appropriate project.
  • Date of setup - a creation date of that project in Perf application.
  • Last visit and Last visitor - who and when accessed this project in Perf application.
  • Monthly views - a total amount of user visits into this project during last month (-30 days from a current date).
  • State - indication if a project is currently Active or Inactive. Inactive means all data loads for such project are disabled and excluded from a regular daily launch. 

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Additional action button "Get e-mails" generates a full list with emails of people registered in Perf as responsible for particular projects. This can be useful while broadcasting some important information or news to that audience.


Users per Visits


This view is available only for users with Admin permissions.

This view displays all users who had even visited the application.

Information provided in this grid:

  • Name - a user's e-mail
  • Last visit - a timestamp (in UTC) of a last view of a project
  • Total visits - a total count of application visits by that user
  • Projects - a comma-separated list of projects which a user had ever accessed.

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Additional action button "Download CSV" generates a CSV file with a row data about each user, visit, project, and so on. This is helpful while analyzing total users activity in the application via Excel e.g. filters, Pivots.

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Users and Permissions

TBD - how to manage users permissions
