This section contains step-by-step instructions on how to create the following Planner targets with any type:
Objective, Key Result
, Initiative
1. Create OKR
This section describes how to create an OKR.
To create an OKR:
In the upper right, click Create → Create Objective. The New OKR sidebar opens.
Under New OKR, in the Enter Objective field, enter the OKR title.
Fill in the target information.
Info |
While adding tags, you can use either existing tags from the system prompt, or create custom tags. Tags are not case-sensitive and can be created in lowercase. |
Optional. Link the target to other targets.
Click Create.
2. Create Key Result
This section describes how to create a Key Result.
To create a Key Result:
To open the sidebar to set a Key Result, do one of the following:
Click an existing OKR, and then click Add Key Result. (1)
Create a new OKR, and then click Add Key Result. (1)
The system opens a new line in the Includes table.
In the Includes table, enter the Key Result name. (2)
Set Progress, Owner and Contributors.
Click ✔️ or Create.
3. Create Initiative
This section describes how to create an Initiative.
To create and set an Initiative:
To create and set an Initiative, do one of the following four activities:
In the upper right of the Planner window, click Create → Create Initiative. See Fig. 1.
In the Targets panel, pause on an Initiative, and then click the + sign on the blue line. See Fig. 5.
In an existing OKR or an existing Initiative, click Add Initiative. See Fig. 6.
In a New OKR, click Add Initiative. See Fig. 7.
Either in the New Initiative sidebar or the Includes table, fill in the following mandatory fields:
Title of the Initiative.
Link type: Parent-Child, or Contribution.
Period: Start Date, End Date, Constraints.
Optional. To transform an Initiative into Milestone, select Is Milestone.
Click ✔️ or Create.
4. Create Milestone
This section describes how to create a Milestone.
To call the sidebar to create a Milestone:
In the upper right of the Planner window, click Create → Create Milestone. See Fig. 1.
Fulfil all the necessary fields.
Click Create.
, Milestone, Capability, Feature, Epic, Story, Task, Bug.
Info |
Basically, all target types have the same set of attributes. |
1. Create Target Steps
To create a new target in Planner:
Click “Create” button at the top right corner
Choose a target type (Fig.1. Drop-down with target types) → a new target form will be opened
In this form several fields will be already prefilled with data:
Owner = Current User
Unit = Previously selected Unit or Current Unit (if User creates a target for the first time)
Current Quarter in Objective and Key Result
Current Date in Initiative, Capability, Epic, Feature, Story, Task, Bug, Milestone
Fill in all other necessary fields or adjust prefilled data
Click “Create” button to save a new target
Info |
While adding tags, phases, roles you can use either existing values from the system prompt or create new values. |