Code Maintainability Rating aims at defining project rating related to the value of Technical Debt Ratio.
How metric helps
Acknowledging the idea of the metric is Code Maintainability Rating helps to identify the ratio of "Technical-Debt vs. Cost-to-Rewrite", in . In case the ratio grows significantly, a decision may be made whether it's a good time to rewrite the application instead of spending too much invaluable time reimbursing your debt may be taken.
How metric works
Chart overview
Code Maintainability grade is shown Chart shows code maintainability grade for each project child unit (can be set up via Project Customization Wizard) and distributed over time. Axis X is for - Axis Y on a day by day timeline , rating grade is placed on Axis Y- Axis X.
Every project child unit is clickable in the legend so that its grade can be shown/hidden on the chart.
Maintainability Rating = Technical Debt / Development Cost,
• technical debt of the project (= sum of the debt of all issues)
• divided to an estimation of the cost to rewrite the application from scratch
• <=5% of the time that has already gone into the application, the rating is A (best)
• between 6 to 10% the rating is a B
• between 11 to 20% the rating is a C
• between 21 to 50% the rating is a D
• anything over 50% is an E (worst)
RAG thresholds: Red = is for E, D; Amber = is for C; Green = is for B, A.
Data Source
Data for the metric can be collected from Sonar or any other project tracking/engineering tool..
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