Metric Name. Currently 6 metrics are tracked across all projects: Backlog Health, Sprint Scope Change, Commitment Rate, Burn-up Forecast, Velocity trend, Closed vs Open defects.
Goals Dialog Button. This button shows the dialog where you can set the Red, Amber or Green threshold for projects, based on the respective Metric Values. Select metrics to display and its order on the board.
Expand/Collapse Structure Button. By clicking this button you can expand/collapse the structure to "zoom in" to Org Units and Projects that caught your eye
Name & Type of Org Unit. By clicking on the name of Org Unit you will open this Unit in a New Tab
Aggregated Metric Bar. This is a simplified view of distribution of all projects in that Organizational Unit into 4 buckets: Red, Amber, Green, Grey
Aggregated Trends for each Metric. It shows how many projects improved this metric and how many have degraded it.
"▲" means Improved, "▼" means Degraded
"6%" means the percentage of projects among all projects in that unit
"(2)" means the actual number of projects that have improved/degraded this metric
Micro Metric. It shows the following information:
The current value of the metric
If the metric improved/degraded compared to last quarter (average value of a metrics throughout the whole quarter)
"New Red Dot" is shown in the top-right corner if Metric became RED for this project, and it was not RED in the last quarter
Include/Exclude Metric. This button includes/excludes a metric from calculation of aggregation (available in tooltips).
Show More/Show less. By clicking this button you can expand/collapse available metrics if Unit tracks more than 4 metrics.
7.с The system calculates the 'new red' metric by comparing the current iteration's value with the average value of the last closed quarter, considering all relevant sprints or intervals. If the average is already in the red zone, 'new red' won't be triggered.
Aggregated Micro Metric Explanation