Table of Contents | ||||||||||||
Position Management functionality
All these actions are available for positions, that are not linked to Personal Profiles.
Creating new position
1. Manual creation on UI
To add a new position, you need to click on Add Position button in the right upper corner of the Resource Plan. This will launch New Position state in the slide-out sidebar:
It is possible to enter integer (even) numbers only.
Maximum input in a cell :
In case default pre-calculated workload < 100% ( e.g. cases, when Start Date <> the first day of the month or End Date <> the last day of the month):
Maximum input = 100%
Minimum input is 0.
When Start Date/End Date for the position is changed:
Cells for fully eliminated months are removed
Cells for new months are added with pre-calculated default workload
In case the newly set Start Date/End Date is within the initially selected month (start/end month was not changed as a result):
The System will reset the workload to the default one for the newly specified date
Workload for the months, which were not affected by the Start Date/End Date change is retainedIf workload in some cell was edited, the System fixes the edited workload value and does not change it even if the subsequent Start/End Date change affects recommended value
If change of the Start/End Date leads to the cell removement (month is fully eliminated), then the recommended workload for this cell will be calculated again next time it is included into Start - End Date period
If Start/End Date change leads to new month cell being added, then recommended (MAX) workload for this cell is calculated
If the workload value was saved, then it is considered edited at the next edit phase
Note: this applies to all workload values present in panel at the time, when user clicked the submit button.
User will be able to create a new position only once all the mandatory fields in the sidebar are populated. After creation, new position will be displayed in the Resource Plan table of the corresponding unit. Note: to see the newly created position please make sure, that Show Planned Positions is turned ON.
2. Import positions via .xlsx file
The import is available only for units, where you have Advanced permissions. The import button is available on the same levels as manual creation via Add Position button.
Click on the Import Positions button in the My Team/Resource Plan section.
In the Import pop-up, click Download Template to download
View file | ||
Click Select File and choose an .xlsx file from your local storage. Click Import to validate and upload the file.
paste screen
If validation fails, an error message will display with the issue details.
paste screen
If validation succeeds, new positions are created, and a success message appears. The system recalculates workload, index, and number of positions for affected units.
If any errors occur during import, download the error report for details. The error report provides row numbers and descriptions of issues.
File Validation Criteria
Allowed format: .xlsx
Max file size: 2 MB
Max rows: 1000
Max sheets: 1
File structure must match the provided template
The first row (column headers) must match the template exactly
Content Validation Rules
Column | Validation | Notes |
Unit EID | Mandatory | Must exist in the dictionaries, user must have permissions, unit type must be Project or Stream, and unit must be active. |
User Email | Optional | If provided, must exist in dictionaries, be case-insensitive, and refer to an active user. |
Role | Mandatory | Must exist in dictionaries, be case-insensitive, and not be a vendor role. |
Billing | Mandatory if billing type is on | Possible values: Billable, Non-billable. Case-insensitive. Ignored if billing type is off. |
Skills | Mandatory | Must exist in dictionaries. Multiple values can be separated by |
Start Date | Mandatory | Must be in date format and not earlier than 12 months from today. |
End Date | Mandatory | Must be in date format, later than Start Date, and not later than 24 months from today. |
YYYY-MMM (Workload Columns) | Mandatory for "Start Date" - "End Date" | Values must be between 0 and 100% (or 0-1). Columns must cover "12 months before today" to "24 months after today" (same as the Resource Plan perspective). |
3. Position linkage to profile
When Start Date for the position arrives AND the position has a proposed Candidate:
In the Workload (Monthly, %) sub-section panel:
For current and future workload (current month and following): cells are filled in with blue color in proportion to the specified workload number.
For past workload (previous month and earlier): cells are filled in with grey color in proportion to the specified workload number. Note: This case is only possible for positions without candidates, whose Start Date has already passed.
Unit - this field is disabled for editing
Workload (Monthly, %) cells for the months that have already passed - they are filled in with grey color in proportion to the initially specified workload number and disabled for editing. Note: This case is only possible for positions without candidates, whose Start Date has already passed.
Deleting existing position
This will launch Workloads & Dates state in the slide-out sidebar:
Editing workload
Workload-related data from the Workload (Monthly, %) panel can be edited by clicking on the corresponding workload cell.
User is not able to edit workload for the current and future months onlyselect Start Date earlier than the first day of the previous year and End Date earlier than the first day of the month one year ago relative to today. Cells for the months that have already passed are filled in with grey color in proportion to the initially specified workload number and disabled for editinga.
It is possible to enter integer (even) numbers only.
Maximum input in a cell :
In case default pre-calculated workload < 100% ( e.g. cases, when Start Date <> the first day of the month or End Date <> the last day of the month):
Maximum input = default pre-calculated workload
= 100%
Maximum input = 100%
If workload input exceeds maximum possible input it will be cut to match the maximum possible.
Minimum input is 0.
User will be able to apply workload updates to the position only while all the mandatory fields in the sidebar are populated with valid values. After the update, changes in the corresponding fields are reflected in the Resource Plan table of the corresponding unit.
Workload cells for fully eliminated months are removed from the Workload (Monthly, %) panel
Workload cells for new months are added to the Workload (Monthly, %) panel with pre-calculated default workload
In case End Date is within the initially selected month (end month was not changed as a result):
System resets the workload to the default one for the newly specified date
Workload for the months, which were not affected by the End Date change is retainedIf workload in some cell was edited, the System fixes the edited workload value and does not change it even if the subsequent End Date change affects recommended value
If change of the End Date leads to the cell removement (month is fully eliminated), then the recommended workload for this cell will be calculated again next time it is included into Start - End Date period
If the workload value was saved, then it is considered edited at the next edit phase
Note: this applies to all workload values present in panel at the time, when user clicked the submit button.
Changing position termination option
Position Termination = Manual and position End Date has passed
Position Termination = Manual and position End Date arrives today
Move positions to another Unit
To assign positions to the required Unit please choose them on the Resource Plan by checking corresponding checkboxes (1). And select Move Positions option on the bulk actions panel in the bottom part of the screen (2).
In the Select Unit To Move modal, choose the Unit where you'd like to move selected positions to and confirm movement by pressing the Move button:
Confirmation message will be displayed once the movement is completed:
Terminating position
1. Automatic termination
Automatic termination allows user to schedule automatic position termination upon the arrival of the position's End date. No manual confirmation is needed for this option.
It is possible to schedule automatic position termination only for the future dates relative to today.
2. Manual termination
User is able to terminate only positions with Position Termination = Manual option selected. For such positions Save and Terminate Position button will be displayed in the Workloads & Dates state: