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This functionality is in Beta version, it might not be available on your on-premise environment right now. In EPAM Delivery Central it is already available for all projects.

Table of Contents

General information

“Manual metrics” are supposed to be a managers' ability to set and update important for a
Table of Contents

General information

“Targets & KPIs” widget (formerly known as “Manual metrics”) is designed to assist managers in establishing and updating crucial project metrics, indicators and quality parameters (SLA, KPI, deliverables etc.) that impact portfolio in the sense of delivery obligations, allowing to track progress and control its efficiency.

Currently, you can find “Manual metrics” widget “Targets & KPIs” in Delivery Health under “Portfolio Health” section in “Metrics & KPIs”.

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(not available for external installations).

At the same time, “Manual Metrics” became available “Targets & KPIs” are available for all users in Metrics → “Portfolio Metrics” tab.

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Use cases (MVP)

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Add metric

In order to To add metrics to your Unit, you should first find the Unit you need inside the widget structure or use global hierarchy/search for that purpose.

There are two several ways to add metrics to the Unit directly, in case you have permissions to manage the Unit:

  • click “+” button that appears hovering a row with a Unit name

  • use “Add Metric” button inside the dots menu on the right

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Clicking any of these buttons triggers a pop-up with catalog and community metrics that allows you to select and save metrics you might need for the Unit.


catalog metricmetrics - a default metric templates created by the system

community metricmetrics - a metric metrics created by users

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Create metric

If there is no required metric in the list, you can simply create a new one clicking “add a new metric” button on the bottom left. There is also a “Create Metric” button displayed if no matching items found while searching.

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Using one of the options triggers another pop-up for metric creation. Before it actually can be added to the community catalog all required data should be filled in.

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Thus you should type in or select mandatory information regarding metric parameters:

  • Metric name

  • Metric Unit of Measurement

  • Thresholds

  • Health Dimension

Description is an optional field, that should be not more than 200 symbols.

After a metric is created, system takes you back to the previous Catalog pop-up, where the metric will be is automatically checked in. You still need to Save it to the Unit by clicking the action button.GIF approach: TBD

Update metric

It’s possible to update metrics in the table with inline editing. Simply, fill in the new values, put comments if needed, “Save” your changes. You can update values simultaneously for the whole Unit and save the results in one click.

maximum length number of characters for metric value - 7 symbols

data type - decimalsdecimal

Your The metrics statuses will be automatically changed according to the defined thresholds and aggregated updated based on predefined thresholds, and these aggregated statuses will be reflected in the bar chart. Each parent unit has The aggregated statuses from all child ones.GIF approach: TBDunits are displayed within each parent unit.

Remove metric

In order to To remove metrics , you should use “dots” menu on the right of the metric row and simply click the “Remove Metric” button.

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Clicking the button, triggers a validation pop-up for removal confirmation.

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Change thresholds

There are two ways to change metric thresholds:

  • change default thresholds when adding metric from the Catalog

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  • change thresholds after metric has been already added to the Unit

    • hovering a benchmark value in the table shows a “tune” icon on the right

    • by clicking the icon a popover will be triggered with “Change Thresholds” button

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    • there should be a reason for changing the valuea threshold, so comment (reason for change) is mandatory

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In case you need to track some kind of a metric without defined thresholds and you want to set its status manually with fully individual point of reference (benchmark), - welcome to “no thresholds” metrics“No Thresholds” metrics.


This metric type does not offer the Trend feature, including charts and historical data, for visualization on the user interface.

Following a metric creation flow described in the beginning, choose “No Thresholds” option.

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Now, instead of setting values for metric thresholds, there is a field for defining a benchmark, which is optional and can be filled later when metric is already in later after it’s saved to the metrics table of the Unit.

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maximum length number of characters for benchmark value - 10 symbols

data type - string

Beside that, the a status for this type of metrics can be chosen manually. Hovering the a row, a chevron icon appears right from the status indicator .

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GIF approach: TBD

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where you can select one of the options.

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Edit metric


Given that each newly created metric can be utilized as a community metric by various users, there is limited flexibility for individual metric editing. This is because metrics are template-based, and alterations to the template impact the same metric across multiple Units.

Meanwhile, it’s possible to edit metric in several cases:

  • metric has just been created and it’s allowed to change it from the Catalog

    • find the metric in the Catalog, click the “dots” menu and “Edit” button

    • make changes you might need in open side bar

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  • metric has been added to the Unit and its value has not yet been set

    • find the “dots” menu on the right of the metric row, click “Edit” button

    • make changes you might need in open side bar

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  • metric has been added to the Unit and its value was set

    • find the “dots” menu on the right of the metric row, click “Edit” button

    • it’s allowed now to change metric Name, Dimension and Description only

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  • in most other cases you will see a notification message that it’s not possible to edit a metric

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Latest updates

Metric Trend

When a metric has at least two historical values in different days, an “arrow” will be displayed left from the value that indicates the metric dynamics relative to the previous metric value.

It’s possible to click the button and see a side-bar with metric trend chart and values table.

  • if metric was updated several times during the day (24 hours), the last value will be considered for the trend chart

  • only metrics with defined Thresholds are considered for building a trend chart

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Metric Cadence

In order to keep track on the metric values relevance, it’s possible to set a metric cadence (expiry period) and subsequently filter with choosing one of the following options:

  • Weekly

  • Bi-weekly

  • Tri-weekly

  • Monthly

  • Quarterly

  • Yearly

  • Released-based


“Released-based” cadence type doesn't have any expiration logic, it’s a fully manual indication

Set expiry period from Catalog

When adding a new metric from the Catalog, you have the option to specify the metric cadence in the "Metrics Details" section by toggling the cadence. Select the appropriate cadence type for your project and choose a "Start Date" in date picker (without choosing the “Start Date”, current day will be used by default).

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Once a metric is added to the Unit, you can check its cadence by hovering over the metric's status. This will display the "expiration in" value, indicating the number of days remaining within the cadence period, starting from the defined "Start Date". When the expiration period is reached, the metric will be marked as "outdated" and a new cadence period will begin.

To ensure a metric is considered up-to-date until the next cadence period begins, it is sufficient to update the metric value at least once within a specific period.

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Set expiry period from Table

When hovering over a metric status icon, a tooltip with a set cadence button will appear. Clicking this button will open a popup where you can choose a cadence period and define the "Start Date" for the metric.
It’s possible to edit metric cadence (expiry period) anytime.

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Flat table mode

Explore the latest table view option within the "View" button: introducing Flat table mode. This view offers a concise table, perfect for swift navigation and efficient management of existing metrics. Say goodbye to empty units, reduce unnecessary rows, and enjoy a clutter-free experience.

Simply toggle on the mode and apply it. Your preference will be saved as a browser setting, eliminating the need to choose it every time the widget loads.

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Copy metric

We have introduced a new feature that allows managers with a "Key Staff" role to copy metrics from the metrics table to any unit they manage. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Locate the metrics table and find the desired metric.

  2. Next to the metric name, you will see a "dots" menu. Click on the menu to reveal additional options.

  3. From the menu, select the "Copy" button. A popup will appear.

  4. In the popup, you can toggle on/off the units within the hierarchy to which the metric should be copied.

  5. For more customization options, hover over the unit and you will see a "dots" menu. This menu provides additional selection options, such as "Select 1 level child units". This can be useful if you need to copy the metric to multiple streams at once.

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With this new functionality, managers with a "Key Staff" role can easily copy metrics from the table to specific units within the hierarchy. This allows for better customization and flexibility in organizing metrics across different streams.

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