PerfQL Examples

I want to know who submitted bugs and sub-bugs on my project and how many bugs submitted by each person

select key, reported_by from Ticket where type='Bug' or type='Sub-bug'

I want to know who submitted bugs and sub-bugs for the last sprint (example of JOIN function)

select ticket.key, ticket.reported_by from Ticket join Sprint on where (type='Bug' or type='Sub-bug') and'Sprint R48'

PerfQL for JSON type of fields

To build a custom metric with data which is stored in JSON form, select nessesary data from JSON in the Delivery Central → Perf → Custom Metrics → step 2:

  1. Open Developer Tools in your browser and open Network tab;

  2. Insert PerfQL with the JSON field, for example: select custom_fields from Ticket;

  3. Click Run Preview;

  4. Click on the sample-data in the console;

  5. Open Responce tab.

Response tab has list of all custom fields and their data.


I want to know number of issues per Label for a particular sprint

select key, unnest(labels) as label from Ticket left join Sprint on = any(Ticket.sprints) where'Sprint R48';

I'm interested in tasks distribution between QA engineers (based on Custom Field)

I would like to know line changes in code per Story Point by month (join  TTS with GIT)

I wonder how many issues are in every sprint after September  2021

I would like to track Velocity Trend in my project

Custom burnup chart (without forecast)