Code Reliability Rating

Code Reliability Rating


Code Reliability Rating shows a rating given to the project based on the amount of bugs.

How metric helps

Code Reliability Rating helps you properly prioritize code based on reliability, allowing you to focus on the most problematic areas of the code.

How metric works

Chart overview

Chart shows code reliability grade for each project child unit -  Axis Y on a day by day timeline - Axis X.

Every project child unit is clickable in the legend so that its grade can be shown/hidden on the chart.


The default scale of Code Reliability rating is the following:

  • A = 0 Bugs (best),

  • B = at least 1 Minor Bug,

  • C = at least 1 Major Bug,

  • D = at least 1 Critical Bug,

  • E = at least 1 Blocker Bug (worst)

RAG thresholds: Red is for E; Amber is for D, C; Green is for B, A.

Data Source

Data for the metric can be collected from Sonar.

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