Testing starts late on time
Testing starts late on time, i.e. features are delivered to QA team by end of Sprint (Scrum) or QA team does not start testing right away (Kanban, Scrum)
Discovered by combination of metrics:
Velocity: Committed vs. Completed, when team cannot meet commitments as sprint backlog does not reach Definition of Done with stories delivered to QA late on time and testing not completed by the end of iteration
Lead and Cycle Time, when cycle time increases, but gap between lead and cycle time does not
Reaction/Resolution Target Fulfillment, when not met, but issues are in ready for testing or testing status
Throughput, when decreases, but undone issues are in testing
Bug Growth, when testing starts late on time with issues logged during last few days of the iteration and not being resolved due to limited time left, hence moved to further iteration or quality debt backlog
Time in Status, when items resides in all statuses before "Ready for testing" or "In Testing" during major part of the iteration