Units Dynamics

A "unit" in the organizational hierarchy refers to a distinct entity, such as, for example, an account, program, project, team. Each unit represents a specific level in the organizational hierarchy.

Concept of Units Dynamics

The Unit Dynamics widget provides multiple views on how statuses of specific unit type(s) changes over time.

Unit in the Unit dynamics is a subject of configuration. Unit may be, for example, Project, or Team, or Pod, also it is possible that Unit Dynamics includes several unit types. The unit types are mentioned in the name of the widget.


At each given moment of time, each unit has one of the following statuses: RED, AMBER, GREEN, or GRAY/Outdated (= status not defined yet or expired). The number of units in each status changes, and you can see the trend on weekly basis reflected both as a stacked bar chart and as just numbers through information tooltips.


The Unit Dynamics widget provides two tabs (see Fig. 1, 2 later) - in the example, units = projects:

  • All Cumulative Units to inspect dynamics of all statuses through all units.

  • RED Units to inspect units which are in RED for a time, and those which changed their status to RED during last week (New RED).

Moreover, the Unit Dynamics widget provides detailed information about health dynamics of each unit based on health unit dimensions, which are configurable statuses of various views of unit's health. This information is represented as This Week Details table. For more details see Health Status Dimensions.


Also, take into account that Health Map filters determine the content of Project Dynamics. Changing filter settings you change Project Dynamics representation.


Fig. 1 ….. Project Dynamics: All Cumulative Units


Fig. 2 ….. Project Dynamics: RED Units



How to Use Project Dynamics Widget

This section describes best practices of Project Dynamics usage..

Filter by RAG

This functionality pertains to the All-Status Dynamics tab.

To inspect all-status dynamics:

  1. Go to the required unit, and open the Summary tab.

  2. Under Health Map, on the Perspective menu, select Overall. The system displays Project Dynamics.

  3. Under Project Dynamics, open the All Cumulative Units tab.

  4. Under the chart, select or clear status check boxes to display the respective statuses on the chart.
    The system displays only those statuses that you selected.


View Week Details

To view week details:

  1. Navigate to a Summary page of a unit and scroll down to the Week Details widget.

  2. In the Week Details table, inspect the following data:

    1. Number of days in the current status color for each unit.

    2. Overall Status Changes (the latest change of Health Index).

    3. Current status(es) of important status dimensions.

To get more details:

  • In the This Week Details table, point to a status icon. 
    The system displays tooltip with Health Index, RAG status identifier, the number of days in this status, and the data of the last update. 

Using the  ↓↑  button, you can sort data in the Days in, Impact, and Overall Status Changes columns. 



To view more details on the Overall status:

  1. In the This Week Details table, click the required unit line to open the details. 

  2. Investigate the Current Summary and Action Plan,

  3. See who and when changed the status.

The Current Summary and Action Plan can be modified on the respective unit page only.