15 minutes Getting Started Guide with PERF (old)
New up-to-date page 15 minutes Getting Started Guide with PERF
Open Delivery Central & Navigate To Your Unit (Stream)
Choose Your Dashboard Preset
Don’t worry if the dashboard does not suit you. You are always able to add, remove and rearrange metrics as you wish (we’ll get back to it later in this guide)
As you see, Metrics are not showing the charts yet. That is because PERF needs to get access to the data from your systems.
Add A Task Tracking System
Follow the instructions on Task Tracking System Setup
Run A Dataload After Saving Your Configuration
Use Full Update if you have changed the configuration of your Data Source
Use Incremental Update if you need to recalculate metrics based on the latest data from your Data Source
Overall, Incremental Update gets run automatically on a daily basis, so that each morning you get the freshly recalculated metrics on a dashboard just like a cup of a good morning beverage
Once you have launched an update, Perf will need some time (usually 5-10 minutes) to fetch the data from the Data Source. The duration of this operation depends on:
Amount of data. It takes longer for large projects
Data Source Rate Limits. Sometimes Jira or Gitlab or any other system limits the amount of requests per minute, and Perf has to slow down and adhere to these limitations.
Handle Your Dashboard
More information on Dashboard Handling here: Handle Layout of Unit Page
That was a quick start guide on your first steps with Perf. Thank you for your attention!