TEAMS - Motivation widget and detailed view

TEAMS - Motivation widget and detailed view

Motivation widget

The widget contains information about team member's current Motivation status.


It includes:

  1. Info-hint with definitions of all possible Motivation statuses

  2. Motivation status icon

  3. Motivation status name

  4. Motivation trend (in comparison with the previous Motivation status)

  5. Date, when the Motivation status of the team member was last updated

  6. Full name of the person, who did the last update

In case the Motivation status has never been previously updated for the team member, widget is displayed in zero state:

When Motivation status = Exhausted/Escalated, the widget gets additional red stripe to draw attention:

The widget is clickable:

  • clicking on the widget, which has data, will open the Motivation section in the second slide-out sidebar in the View mode

  • clicking on the widget, which does not have data, will open the Motivation section in the second slide-out sidebar in the Edit mode

  • clicking on the '+Add' button on the widget will open the Motivation section in the second slide-out sidebar in the Edit mode

Motivation details in the sidebar

View mode

Motivation section in the View mode provides the opportunity not only to review the current Motivation status and information about the last update, but also to see the Comment left for the selected Motivation (if any):

You can also see a hint with the definition of the current Motivation status on hover over the Motivation status icon:

In the upper right corner of the section 2 icons are located: 

  • 'History' icon - clicking on the 'History' icon will allow to review the section History 

  • 'Edit' icon - clicking on the 'Edit' icon will switch the section to the Edit mode

Edit mode

In the Edit mode you can set Motivation with the following values: 

  • Excited/Active - Employee is interested in current job, shows enthusiasm and willingness to continue current assignment

  • Happy/Passive - Comfort zone, satisfied with the current position, more passive

  • Demotivated/Highlighted - Has raised a question about the possible account/stream change

  • Demotivated/Latent - It is seen that something is wrong, but the employee doesn't tell anything

  • Exhausted/Escalated - Employee is in the red zone, has many times said about account/stream change

There is no need to select the exact Motivation value point on the scale to see the hint with description - hints are available on mouse hover:

You can also leave a comment for the selected Motivation value if necessary.

You can update the section without any changes - the system updates only 'Updated Date' and 'Author'.

Note: There is no ability to change Motivation in inactive profiles after 90 days:


You can view the Motivation History and see all changes of Motivation section by clicking on the 'History' icon:

Charts with aggregated information about the team

You can find aggregated info about the team statuses on charts on Attrition Mitigation perspective. 

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