TEAMS - Action Items Tab

TEAMS - Action Items Tab

Action Items

Action Items deliver the functionality which allows creating Action Items related to the employee in a Personal Employee Profile. 

If you are looking for your personal Action Items you need to move here.

User can:

  • create an Action Item and assign it to any Employee

  • see all Action Items associated with a direct Employee Profile 

  • manage Action Items by presets: Action Items that are assigned only to the user (Assigned to preset) or Action Items created by the user (Created by preset).

  • filter Action Items by Status / Category / Tags.   By default, the system shows only filtered Action Items in the 'To Do' and 'In Progress' statuses.

  • see the Action Item deadline. The System highlights the deadline 3 days / 2 days / 1 day before and overdue deadline.

Note: user with an Employee role (not managerial access) can see only Action Items created by him/her or assigned to him/her in his/her Personal Profile.

Action Items tab

The Action Items tab shows the list of all Action Items that are related to the employee in the Personal Profile. 

Each Action Item is displayed in a form of a card, which includes the following data:

  • Title  - displays the title of an Action Item.

  • Assignee - displays the photo of an employee who is responsible for working with an Action Item. By hover over the photo, popover with Assignee's Full name, title and email link is displayed.

  • Tags - displays the tag icon, in case there are any tags associated with that Action Item. By hover over the icon system displays all the associated tags.

  • Due Date - displays the date, when Action Item will be expired. By default, the cards are sorted by Due Date (closest ones on top). 

  • Status  - displays the Action Item status with the possibility to change status. 

  • Three dots menu - allows users to manage Action items (displayed in case at least 1 option is available for current user).

Action Items cards can be filtered by Status, Category, Tags.

By default, the system shows only filtered Action Items in 'To Do' and 'In Progress' statuses.

Preset buttons are used for quick filtering of Action items:

Also Action Items can be grouped by Assignee or Category:

To create a new Action Item please click on the 'Add Action Item' button:

You also can use the 'Create Action Item' button if there are no any Action Items yet:

Clicking on 'Add Action Item' button/'Create Action Item' button will open the New Action Item form in the second slide-out sidebar:

Action Item details in the sidebar

Clicking on the Action Item card will open this Action Item in the second slide-out sidebar in the View mode:

You can use a three dots menu for managing a specific Action Item (note: options availability depends on visibility permissions and Action Item's status).

Selecting the 'Edit' option in the three dots menu will open this Action Item in the slide-out sidebar in the Edit mode:

You can view the history of the Action Item by selecting the 'History' option in the three dots menu:

Action Item can also be managed directly from the View mode by clicking on the buttons in the header area (buttons are displayed only if available at the moment):

  • Delete

  • Edit

  • History

Action Item Visibility

There are 3 visibility types available for Action Items:

  • Private - the Action Item will be available for the Creator and Assignee only;

  • Shared - possibility to view the Action Item will be shared with managers of the profile, where the Action Item was created (Admin, Profile Manager, Unit Manager);

  • Open - possibility to view and edit the Action Item will be shared with managers of the profile, where the Action Item was created (Admin, Profile Manager, Unit Manager). This, basically, means that managers will get the same permissions, as the Creator of this Action Item.

Action Items with Visibility = Shared/Open will be displayed for the corresponding manager on the Action Items perspective and in the profile where it is created. 

Basic actions and status change flows

Only Creator or manager, with whom the AI was shared (Visibility = Open), can:

  • use 'Creator's options' (Three dots menu on the Action Item card/Buttons in the header area of the View mode):

    • edit Action Item 

    • delete Action Item (from 'To Do' status only) 

    • review history of each Action Item (this action is also available for Visibility = Shared)

  • manually cancel Action Item (from 'To Do' and 'In Progress' statuses only) 

  • change Action Item status from 'Cancelled' back to 'To Do' or 'In Progress'

Only Assignee can:

  • change Action Item status to 'Refused' (from 'To Do' and 'In Progress' statuses only)

  • change Action Item status from 'Refused' to 'To Do' or 'In Progress'

Only System can:

  • automatically change the action item status to 'Expired', if it is more than 90 days past due (from 'To Do' and 'In Progress' statuses only)

  • automatically cancel Action Items from Succession Plan, when Successor is cancelled or marked as Ready for the Role (applies to Action Items in 'To Do' and 'In Progress' statuses only). 

Here you can see full status change flows for Creator, Assignee and System:

To complete the manual change of the status you will need to confirm the action in the confirmation dialogue:

You can also leave a comment during the status change confirmation if you want to. Text of the latest comment will be displayed in the “Status comment” field, when Action Item is opened for viewing or editing: 

Data about the “Status comment” field update will also be reflected in the Action Item’s History.

'Fast track' assignment options

You can assign an Action Item to any Employee. Also, you can use 'fast track' buttons for assigning Action Item:

  • to yourself - by click on Me button

  • to the Unit Manger of the employee in whose profile the Action Item is created - by click on Unit Manager button. 

  • to the employee, in whose profile the Action Item is created - by click on <Full Name> button, where <Full Name> is a full name of the Employee's in whose profile the Action Item is created

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