Code Base Change Trend


Code Base Change Trend shows an amount of code lines changed (added, deleted) per each GIT repository connected to PERF. Information is shown over last 6 months. In case of multiple GIT repositories - a drop down control in top left corner on a chart allows choosing a required repository.

How metric helps

Code Base Change Trend helps to monitor the repository health and to highlight major changes in a repository via highlighting the amount of 'activity' in it.

Change in Code

Potential Meaning

Recommended Actions

Change in Code

Potential Meaning

Recommended Actions

Lot of Added and Removed code

Regular development, new code being crafter is accompanied by a removal of old code (continuous refactoring).

Monitor technical debt to keep it on a controllable level. Ensure code review practice is in place.

Lot of Added code

Looks like an active feature development which generates lots of new code. As none gets removed - technical debt seems to grow over time which will likely require refactoring/cleanup on later stages.

Monitor the technical debt to understand when a stabilization/refactoring iteration should take place. Promote the Continuous Refactoring practice throughout the team.

Lot of Removed code

Something got refactored to take less code with no loss (hopefully) in functions. Example - a new library or framework was introduced on a project which allowed to delete a piece of in-house legacy code. Less code means less effort to maintain it.

Make sure technical debt got reduced.

Few-to-none Added or Removed code

No development activities in a team due to some reason. Maybe it's about some design or research or planning (i.e. when it's not about huge activity in code repository), maybe someone is lazy and needs a magic motivation to start working

Investigate the reasons of no coding activity.

How metric works

Chart overview

Chart shows Code Base Change Trend in a number of lines - Axis Y over time - Axis Y. The chart can be viewed by repository set in GIT data source configuration.

Next to the chart name there is a link to navigate to the GIT repository ('arrow' icon) for further details.

Calculation formula

A commit size is a count of all modified code lines within it (i.e. added plus removed).

RAG thresholds: n/a.

Data Source

Data for the metric can be collected from GIT.