Average Build Time


Average Build Time shows average time on a job accomplishment in build system. It includes a trend over 1 month prior to the current date. By its name, it might sound that metric is intended to keep an eye on pure building stage only. But in reality the more general purpose of this metric is to monitor trends in timings of execution for various jobs in a build system. These can be building something, testing something (via automated way), deploying to somewhere and so on. 

How this metric helps

Average Build Time helps analyze the build process and monitor it for unexpected spikes in build timings. By identifying bottlenecks in build processes or seeing unexpected growth in execution timings on this chart, it's a signal to review the performance of a pipeline in order to optimize it.  

Chart Overview

Average Build Time displays the average time, in minutes, it took to execute a job or a pipeline. Timings are shown by Axis Y. And a timeline is the Axis X. Chart may display multiple lines - as per each job selected in Project Configuration.

Calculation Formula

Average Build Time =∑Tbuild  /Nbuild,


Tbuild - time a build takes for processing

Nbuild  - a number of builds


RAG thresholds: Red - metric value > 4h, Amber - metric value > 1h, otherwise Green.

Data Source

Data for calculating this metric can be retrieved from Jenkins/GitLab CI.