Average Build Success for Last 7 days


Average Build Success shows on a daily basis the percentage of successful builds for last 7 days. The closer to 100% this metric (for whatever job) the better.

How metric helps

Average Build Success helps to give a confidence that a build pipeline is pretty stable because no failures happen thus pre-commit validation of code changes is performed well enough by developers.

How it works

Chart overview

Chart shows average build success in a selected code repository. If multiple jobs are being monitored (this can be set in a Project Configuration) - each job is displayed as a separate series line.

Next to the chart name there is a link to navigate to the build tool ('arrow' icon) for further details.

Calculation formula

Average Build Success = Nsuccess /Nall * 100 %,


Nsuccess - number of successful builds for the last 7 days

Nall - number of all builds

RAG thresholds: Red -  metric value < 70%, Amber - metric value < 90%, otherwise Green.

Data Source

Data for the metric can be collected from Jenkins/GitLab CI.