Reported Hours by Week
Reported Hours by Week shows the number of reported hours at the selected time period by a week.
How metric helps
Reported Hours by Week shows, per week, how much effort (in hours) has been logged by a team.
How metric works
Chart overview
Chart shows, week by week, the total amount of the “Reported Hours” in the selected scope of work.
On hover over a column a hint appears with the following info:
Time period by weeks
Metric value by hours
By click on a column a pop up appears with the following information got from the task tracking system:
Issue ID
Reported Hours by Weeks = ∑RH for all items,
RH is Reported Hours.
Calculation notes
1 Calculation considers items within the last 10 weeks including incomplete week.
2 Week start date is Sunday, end date is Saturday.
Data Source
Data for the metric can be collected from a task tracking system (Jira, TFS/VSTS, Rally, etc.)