Individual Velocity by Sprint


  1. This metric is based on Task Tracking System's (Jira, Azure Boards, or Rally) data.

  2. Metric is based on the current state of the Assignee field.  If you use special custom fields to track who worked on the ticket or you need to track the history of assignments, the metric's code has to be adjusted. 

  3. For N last sprints metric is the calculation of how many valid tickets & story points a particular employee has completed. Also, there is a way to track the number of invalid story points completed. Valid & invalid criteria are set in configuration based on resolutions.

  4. A ticket has to be assigned to a sprint & completed by the sprint end date.


  • Assignee. You need to set a specific employee's email here.

  • Number of Sprints to Show. A number of sprints are shown on the metric. Default: 6

  • Valid Resolutions. Set of resolutions that are considered valid. Default: Done, Closed, Fixed.


with assignee as ( select '' --employee's email as assigned_to), number_of_sprints_to_show as ( select 6 --how many sprints to show on the chart ), valid_resolutions as --set of valid resolutions ( select 'Done' as r union select 'Fixed' as r union select 'Closed' as r ), sprints as ( select distinct,, s.start_date, s.finish_date, s.complete_date, s.state from sprint s left join ticket t on = any(t.sprints) where assigned_to = (select assigned_to from assignee) and s.state != 'FUTURE' order by s.complete_date desc, s.start_date desc, s.state, limit (select * from number_of_sprints_to_show) ), completed_by_sprints as ( select as sprint_id, as sprint_name, s.finish_date as finish_date, t.key, t.story_points, t.resolution, t.priority, t.summary, t.type from sprint s left join ticket t on = any(t.sprints) and t.done_date <= coalesce(s.complete_date, s.finish_date) where assigned_to = (select assigned_to from assignee) ), completed_result as ( select sprint_id, sprint_name, finish_date, sum(case when resolution in (select * from valid_resolutions) or resolution is null then 1 else 0 end)::int as items, sum(case when resolution in (select * from valid_resolutions) or resolution is null then story_points else 0 end) as story_points, sum(case when resolution not in (select * from valid_resolutions) then story_points else 0 end) as invalid_sp from completed_by_sprints group by sprint_id , sprint_name, finish_date ) select as "Sprint name", coalesce(comp.items,0) as "Items completed", coalesce(comp.story_points,0) as "Story points completed", coalesce(comp.invalid_sp,0) as "Invalid Story points" from sprints s left join completed_result comp on = comp.sprint_id order by s.complete_date asc, s.start_date asc, s.state,


Drill-down query to show the ticket's attributes for a clicked sprint:

select key, summary, type, priority, story_points from (select key, summary, type, priority, coalesce(story_points,0) as story_points, sprint_name from completed_by_sprints where (resolution in (select r from valid_resolutions) or resolution is null)) as a where sprint_name = clicked_x_value order by story_points desc, priority asc