Defect Density per Story Point per Developer

Defect Density per Story Point per Developer


  1. This metric is based on Task Tracking System's (Jira, Azure Boards, or Rally) data.

  2. A developer is a user who transitions a ticket to a particular state (Code Review status in this example).

  3. Metric takes all stories moved to Code Review within the last 13 weeks (1 quarter) and counts how many defects were linked to that story (any types of ingoing and outgoing links).

  4. Defect density = sum of story points in stories / number of defects linked to them.


  • Only stories are taken by default (type='Story') - you can adjust/add more issue types if needed.

  • Defect types also can be adjusted - type='Bug' by default.

  • Time interval also can be updated (interval '13 week' by default).

  • The status for identifying a developer can be changed from Code Review to more appropriate in your case (status='Code Review').

  • Link type (link_type) between stories & defects can be set specifically.


with links as ( select key, count(bug) as count from ( select a.key, b.key as bug from ( select key, jsonb_array_elements(outgoing_workitem_links) ->> 'name' AS link_type, type, jsonb_array_elements(outgoing_workitem_links) ->> 'issueKey' AS link from Ticket) AS a join ticket b on a.link=b.key where a.type='Story' and b.type='Bug' union select a.key, b.key as bug from ( select key, jsonb_array_elements(ingoing_workitem_links) ->> 'name' AS link_type, type, jsonb_array_elements(ingoing_workitem_links) ->> 'issueKey' AS link from Ticket) AS a join ticket b on a.link=b.key where a.type='Story' and b.type='Bug' ) as temp group by key ), temp as ( select distinct a.key, a.summary, a.story_points, b.author, c.count from Ticket a join tickethistory b on a.id=b.workitem_id left join links c on a.key=c.key where b.field=0 and b.status='Code Review' and b.start>=now()-interval '13 week' and a.type in ('Story') order by a.key desc ) select author, coalesce(sum(count)/sum(story_points),0) as "Defect Density" from temp group by author order by coalesce(sum(count)/sum(story_points),0) asc


Drill-down query to show details for a clicked developer:

select key, summary, story_points, count as "# of defects per story" from (select key, summary, story_points, count, author from temp) as x where author=clicked_x_value order by count asc