Progress and Status Updates (Check in)

Progress and Status Updates (Check in)

This section describes how to update target progress through check-in. You can check in a target from the following Planner entities: 

  • Planner List view

  • Target information sidebar

  • Planner Timeline view

Target Statuses 

This is the legend of Gantt chart of the DC Planner application.

Status Name and Color


Status Name and Color





The target status:


The target doesn't have a progress and its start date is in the future




The target status:


The target has a progress and it goes according to the plan



The target is accomplished and the progress is 100%




The target status:


Displays an incomplete target (it may have progress or not) but it goes slightly not according to plan




The target status:


The target is incomplete and in a dangerous state

1. List View Check In

.To check in a target in the List view:

  1. In the right or the required target row, click (ellipsis), and then click Check in. The Check-In sidebar opens.

  2. In the Current Progress specify the target progress in %.

  3. Click Check-In.

You cannot directly update the progress of a parent target having child targets. To do that you need to update the progress of the child targets.

Fig. 2.....Check in current progress of the target

2. Target sidebar Check In

To check in a target in the List view:

  1. Open the sidebar of the required target.

  2. In the upper left, click Check in. The Check-In opens.

  3. In the Current Progress specify the target progress in %. See Fig. 2.

  4. Click Check-In.

You cannot directly update the progress of a parent target having child targets. To do that you need to update the progress of the child targets.

3. Planner Timeline view

To change the progress of a target:

  1. Pause on a target. The system displays the progress grip (triangle) on the target line.

  2. Drag the progress grip.

Fig. 4.....Progress grip


4. Progress constraints

  1. Progress of child targets directly affect progress of a parent target.
    Formula: Sum of the child targets' progress / Quantity of the child targets.
    (for this reason, progress of a Key Result directly affects progress of a parent Objective).

  2. Progress of an Initiative doesn’t affect progress of a Key Result/Objective

  3. Progress of a Milestone doesn’t affect progress of a Key Result/Objective

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