What if my standards are higher? How will the colours change?

What if my standards are higher? How will the colours change?

I see these metrics on the page.

I click "Goals" on top of the page

And see the dialog where I can change Thresholds for Red, Amber and Green Values

Let Me change the Commitment Rate Red threshold to 70 and see what happens to my aggregated metrics

As you see, aggregation for Backlog Health Metric has changed, and this happens to all of the units, allowing you to see how your program/organization will look if you set different standards

Scenario 3. Some project needs to be excluded from aggregation

I see a project that clearly needs to be excluded from aggregation because it's unique in some way and aggregated metrics are not applicable to it.

So I just click "Exclude from aggregation" for all metrics in the project and this project is no longer counted in aggregation (value of metrics is "Not Applicable")

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