Configure advanced custom metrics

This functionality is soon to be replaced by Custom Metrics V2. No additional actions required, support team will contact you in advance

To create a new advanced metric:

  1. Click Add New Dataset.
  2. Click Fields.

       3. Click Add New Field in the pop-up window.

       4. Type the field name and select the field type.

       5. Click Save in the pop-up window.

You will not be able to change field names as soon as you save metric. You will be able to add new fields or delete all additional fields.

Field with marked Unique key as yes, will be should have unique value in each row.

You can fill in data in two possible ways: using the Data button and using the Upload data button ().

       7. Click Data.

       8. Click Add New Entry

       9. Edit metric data.

Field with "key" icon should have unique value in each row.

       10. Click Save in the pop-up window.

Dates format

It is better to use dates in an expression in the following formats:

  • yyyy-mm-dd
  • mm/dd/yyyy
  • Month-yy
  • Month

Date is one of the formats above is sorted in an ascending/descending order properly on the axis X.

The dates in the following formats will likely be sorted improperly on the axis X:

  • m/d e.g. 3/14 meaning March 14.
  • Mmm-yy
  • D-Mmm e.g. 14-Mar
  • D-Mmm-yy e.g. 14-Mar-20
  • Month day, yyyy e.g. March 14, 2020
  • Any date format accompanied with time, e.g. 3/14/20 1:30 PM, 3/14/20 13:30.


       7. Click the Upload data button ().

       8. Select in the pop-up window the required *.csv file and click Open

            PERF automatically pulls data to the metric. 

       11. Click Create New Metric to create new chart.

       12. Enter new metric's name and click Save in the pop-up window.

       13. Click Calculation.

       14. The Expression Builder contains your custom fields. In the pop-up window enter formula you would like to use. See detailed information about how to use the Expression Builder in the corresponding section of this Guide.

       15. Click Save in the pop-up window.

       16. Click View in case you want to edit it.

       17. Fill in the pop-up window:

    1. Type the metric's overview
    2. Select the chart type from the drop-down, see Available Chart Types for PERF Custom Metrics
    3. Type X and Y labels' names in the corresponding fields
    4. Choose a legend style per Available Legend Styles for PERF Custom Metrics.
    5. Change amount of days (or value points, to be more precise) to display if needed (by default there are 30 values)
    6. Set up Red-Amber-Green thresholds. When they are applied, a chart area is divided into red-amber-green sectors to reveal values outside boundaries and take up improvement actions. And mark yes or no for the "higher value is better" attribute (to display a red/green judgement whenever values grow or fall respectively).

       18. Click Save in the pop-up window.

       19. Click the Download data button () in case you need to download data from this metric in *.csv file.

       20. Click PublishYou new metric appears in Metric Catalog.         


1 Ready for Development


1 Average Velocity is calculated.


1 Get info from Jira:

1.1 Calculate Avg Velocity:

1.1.1 Find Done issues for a number of sprint (here is 3):

project = EPMDHMTWO AND issuetype in (Story, Improvement, Bug, Task) AND Sprint in (180591, 180571, 162711) AND status was in (resolved, Closed, verified) on "2020-02-27 23:59" and issuefunction in aggregateExpression("OH:", "originalestimate.sum()", "SP:", "storypoints.sum()")

1.1.2 Avg Velocity = (Scope Done for X iterations)/ X iterations.

1.2 Calculate Ready

1.2.1  Find a number/sum of estimates of ready items:

project = EPMDHMTWO AND issuetype in (Improvement, Story, Bug, Task, Sub-bug, Sub-task) AND status in ("Ready for dev") AND (Sprint in futureSprints() OR Sprint is EMPTY OR Sprint in closedSprints()) and issueFunction in aggregateExpression("SP:", "storypoints.sum()", "OH:", "originalestimate.sum()")

—  issuetype in (Improvement, Story) - issue types which were selected at Scope management tab>Definition of Ready in Project Configuration.

 — sprint is EMPTY OR sprint in futureSprints() - issues could be assigned to future sprints or not assigned to any sprint.

— status in (Ready for dev) - appropriate status(s) selected at Scope management tab>Definition of Ready in Project Configuration.

1.2.2 Find Ready: divide the result in 1.1 by 1.2 avg velocity. This shows how much scope is ready for how many iterations ahead.

2 Create a structure of a file. Click "Fields"

3 Upload a file “ReadyForDev.csv”. Key is a mandatory value.

4 Go to "Calculation".

5 Add expression:

addProjection(groupProperty("Sprint"))// show by sprint//sum of estimates for ready items
.addProjection(divide(sum("Story Points"), constValue(20), "ReadyForDev"))
.addRestriction(eq("Status", "Ready")) //definition of ready

6 Choose a chart type: Data Table.


7 Close the window.

8 Click “Publish”.

9 Go to a dashboard.

10 Add the metric.

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