Set Parameters of New Risk
This section belongs to Risk Management in Health. It describes how to select values of new risk parameters according to risk management approach.
Status Dimension
Specifies the name of the risk area. Areas represent status dimensions configured on the unitsstatus dimension which the risk affects.
The table lists available areas status dimensions in alphabetical order.
AreaStatus dimension |
Alignment with client |
GDPR_________________ |
Quality |
Team Retention |
Team Performance |
Schedule |
Scope |
WFH Impact |
2. Source
Specifies the source of risk to identify where the risk originates.
Using the in-built rich text editor, type in the following textual information:
Relevant details of the chosen risk treatment strategy.
Action items to support the chosen strategy.
Info |
To select any action item of risk treatment strategy as Done, you need to open the Edit Risk Details dialog box. |
To learn how to use Action Items in Health, see Action Items.
7. State
State | Description |
occurred | The risk event happened. |
mitigated | Actions were taken to reduce adverse effect of the risk event. |
canceled | The risk is not considered as relevant to the project anymore. |
treated | Measures to manage the risk were selected and implemented. |
open | The risk is considered as relevant to the project. |
accepted | The risk is accepted as the cost of any other risk management option outweigh the cost of the risk itself. |