Tasks Not Estimated But Effort Logged shows the amount of items without estimates but with the a logged effort logged. This indicator is counted for the whole project duration Calculation is based on issues created within last 90 days.
How metric helps
Tasks Not Estimated But Effort Logged metric helps to track cases when effort is tracked for non-estimated or zero-estimated tasks. It can be influence on the results of iteration because this effort was not taken into account during an iteration estimation.
It is expected that on the project this health indicator value is equal to zero. Calculation is based on issues created within last 90 days.
How metric works
Chart overview
Chart shows Tasks Not Estimated But Effort Logged in amount shows a number of tasks which have got with null or “0” estimation estimate and with Logged effort > 0.
By click on a chart a pop up appears with the following information got from the task tracking system:
- Issue ID
- Type
- Priority
- Summary
Tasks Not Estimated But Effort Logged is measured as a number of items which this rule is applied to, where an item satisfies the criteria: estimate filed (in SP/Hours) of an item is empty or "0", but effort is logged (Timespent > 0)..
Estimate field for an item to track an estimate absence is taken from Project Settings>Data Sources>Task Tracking System>Scope Management>Issue types to be estimated in Story Points/Man hours.
If an issue/work item type is selected in Issue types to be estimated in Story Points, "0" value in this field is to be considered.
RAG thresholds: Red - metric value > 0; Green - metric value = 0.
Data Source
Data for the metric can be collected from a task tracking system (Jira, TFS, Rally, etc.).