Category purpose
Metrics from this category show a project overall tracking and reporting hygiene, functional quality, engineering sustainability, and other key figures.
- 1 Tracking Hygiene
- 1.1 Tasks Not Estimated But Effort Logged
- 1.2 Number of Issues in Backlog (out of Sprints) but Already Completed
- 1.3 Completed Work Items not Estimated in Hours
- 1.4 Completed Work Items not Estimated in Story Points
- 1.5 Completed Work Items with Remaining Estimate > 0
- 1.6 Effort Logged on Completion
- 1.7 Estimated Items in SP at Sprint Start
- 1.8 Estimated Items in Hours at Sprint Start
- 1.9 Completed Work Items Estimated in Hours (last 3 months)
- 1.10 Completed Work Items Estimated in Story Points (last 3 months)
- 1.11 Scope Readiness for Development in Active Sprints, %
- 1.12 Items not Ready but in Active sprints
- 1.13 Items without Story Points but in Active sprints
- 1.14 Stories Which Are Open/Ready State But With All Sub-tasks Already Closed
- 1.15 Stories Which Are Closed But With Any Sub-tasks Still Incomplete
- 1.16 Number of Items with Effort Logged after Items Were Closed
- 1.17 Bugs not Attached to 'Affects Version'
- 1.18 Bugs Closed Without 'Fix Version'
- 1.19 Items with Story Points Changed During Last Month
- 1.20 Items with Original Estimate Changed During Last Month
- 1.21 Items in Progress with no Changes During Last 2 Weeks
- 1.22 Work Logged With Dates in The Future
- 2 Functional Quality
- 2.1.1 Configuration
- 2.2 Number of not Completed Defects (top priorities)
- 2.3 Total Number of Not Completed Defects (all priorities)
- 2.4 Top Priority vs Total Defects (%)
- 2.5 Unresolved Bugs Older Than a Month (top priorities)
- 2.6 Unresolved Bugs Older Than a Month (all priorities)
- 2.7 Time Spent On Bug Fixing (%)
- 2.8 Defects Average Lifetime (top priorities)
- 2.9 Defects Average Lifetime (all priorities)
Tracking Hygiene
This set of metrics is to check overall tracking and reporting hygiene on a project.
Tasks Not Estimated But Effort Logged
Shows the amount of items without estimates but with the effort logged. This indicator is counted for the whole project duration. It is expected that on the project this health indicator value is equal to zero. Calculation is based on issues created within last 90 days.
Number of Issues in Backlog (out of Sprints) but Already Completed
Shows the amount of issues at the moment which are already completed in the backlog but not assigned to any sprint. Only valid items are counted here i.e. such ones like "Duplicate", "Rejected", "Cannot reproduce" or similar are not taken into consideration. This indicator is able to point out a contribution lost from sprint velocity. It is expected that on the project this health indicator value is equal to zero.
Completed Work Items not Estimated in Hours
Shows a percentage of work items (e.g. tasks, sub-tasks and whatever applicable in your project) which are supposed to be estimated in Hours but not actually estimated. Checked for last 3 months.
Completed Work Items not Estimated in Story Points
Shows a percentage of work items (e.g. User Stories, Epics, Improvements and whatever applicable in your project) which are supposed to be estimated in Story Points but not actually estimated. Checked for last 3 months.
Completed Work Items with Remaining Estimate > 0
Shows the amount of items which are already closed but still have some remaining time in a tracking system. In case remaining time in completed tasks is not a zero, it will affect burn down charts showing incorrect status thus a planned effort within the iteration is completed. This indicator is counted for the whole project duration. It is expected that on the project this health indicator value is equal to zero. Calculation is based on issues created within last 90 days.
Effort Logged on Completion
Shows a percentage of work items, that were closed within last 90 days and have any effort logged in a tracking system
Estimated Items in SP at Sprint Start
Gives the percentage of estimated items (in Story Points) at sprint start day relative to all issues in active sprint at that day. Which items should be estimated in SP and which not - is determined in the appropriate section of the project configuration.
Estimated Items in Hours at Sprint Start
Gives the percentage of estimated items (in Hours) at sprint start day relative to all issues in active sprint at that day. Which items should be estimated in Hours and which not - is determined in the appropriate section of the project configuration.
Completed Work Items Estimated in Hours (last 3 months)
Shows a percentage of work items (e.g. tasks, sub-tasks and whatever applicable in your project) which are estimated in Hours. Checked for last 3 months
Completed Work Items Estimated in Story Points (last 3 months)
Shows a percentage of work items (e.g. User Stories, Epics, Improvements and whatever applicable in your project) which are estimated in Story Point . Checked for last 3 months
Scope Readiness for Development in Active Sprints, %
Shows average value for % of "Ready for Development" tickets in all active sprints at a sprint actual start. It is calculated as Ready/To do*100 %,
'Ready' is a number of issues satisfying the criteria defined in Project Settings>Data sources>Task Tracking System>Scope management>Definition of Ready;
'To do' is a number of issues satisfying the criteria defined in Project Settings>Data sources>Task Tracking System>Workflows>To do bucket and their issue type are specified in Project Settings>Data sources>Task Tracking System>Scope management>Definition of Ready.
By click on a chart a pop up appears revealing a list of issues not ready for development.
Items not Ready but in Active sprints
Gives the amount of issues which are in active Sprint(s) but still not marked as 'Ready for Development'. 'Ready' is a number of issues satisfying the criteria defined in Project Settings>Data sources>Task Tracking System>Scope management>Definition of Ready;
Items without Story Points but in Active sprints
Shows the amount of issues whose story points are not estimated though items are included into an active sprint. It is expected that on the project this health indicator value is equal to zero.
Stories Which Are Open/Ready State But With All Sub-tasks Already Closed
Shows the amount of stories (and other issues) which are still in Open/Ready/In Progress status but with all their sub-tasks closed. It is expected that on the project this health indicator value is equal to zero. Calculation is based on issues created within last 90 days.
Stories Which Are Closed But With Any Sub-tasks Still Incomplete
Shows the amount of stories (and other issues) which are already closed but all/some of their sub-tasks are still incomplete. It is expected that on the project this health indicator value is equal to zero. Calculation is based on issues created within last 90 days.
Number of Items with Effort Logged after Items Were Closed
Shows the amount of issues for which some effort was logged after closing of the issue, in case it was logged after 00:00 next day. It is expected that in the project this health indicator value is equal to zero. Calculation is based on issues created within last 90 days.
Bugs not Attached to 'Affects Version'
Shows the amount of bugs which are not attached to any "Affected Version", so that it is not clear in what version/release those bugs are found. Metric will include sub-issues with and without 'Affects Version' in case the parent is not attached to 'Affect Version'. It is expected that on the project this health indicator value is equal to zero.
Bugs Closed Without 'Fix Version'
Shows the amount of bugs which are not attached to any 'Fix Version', so that is not clear in which version/release those bugs are fixed. Metric will include sub-issues with and without 'Fix Version' in case parent does not have 'Fix Version'. It is expected that on the project this health indicator value is equal to zero. Calculation is based on issues completed within last 90 days and excludes invalid bugs based on a rule specified via Quality Management step of a Project Configuration.
Items with Story Points Changed During Last Month
Shows the amount of issues for which estimates in story points were changed during last month. Changing estimates in story points means estimate creep and is a bad practice. This metric does not cover cases of setting initial estimates, it is only about correcting estimates. It is expected that on the project this health indicator value is equal to zero.
Items with Original Estimate Changed During Last Month
Shows the amount of issues for which Original Estimates in hours were changed during last month. Changing Original Estimates means estimate creep and is a bad practice. Good practice is to adjust Remaining Estimate to reflect an effort required to complete a task. It is expected that on the project this health indicator value is equal to zero.
Items in Progress with no Changes During Last 2 Weeks
Shows the amount of issues in progress with no changes during last 2 weeks. It's expected any updates to happen during such a long time e.g. people log their time, post updates, ask questions via comments...
Work Logged With Dates in The Future
Shows an amount of work log (effort) entries which are submitted with a future dates (most likely, by mistake) i.e. where date of a work log entry is later than 'Today'. Those require a correction to avoid an impact on other metrics.
Functional Quality
This is a snapshot of health metrics related to the functional quality of a project.
The list and expected values of indicators can be configured through the DASHBOARD LAYOUT CUSTOMIZATION.
Number of not Completed Defects (top priorities)
Shows the amount of defects which are not completed with priority as Blocker and Critical. It is expected that on the project this health indicator value is equal to zero.
Total Number of Not Completed Defects (all priorities)
Shows the amount of defects which are not completed at the moment. Suggested acceptable value is less than 10 not completed defects.
Top Priority vs Total Defects (%)
Shows a ratio of top-priority vs all defects which are open at the moment. Top priority ones mean those defects usually defined as of "Blocker" and "Critical" priority. Exact rule which defects should be considered as top priority should be specified in project configuration (Data Sources-JIRA-Quality Management)
Unresolved Bugs Older Than a Month (top priorities)
Shows the amount of defects (Blockers and Criticals) which has not been resolved since more than a month. It is expected that on the project this health indicator value is equal to zero. Calculation is based on issues created within last 90 days.
Unresolved Bugs Older Than a Month (all priorities)
Shows the amount of defects (all priorities) which has not been resolved since more than a month. Suggested acceptable indicator value is <20. Calculation is based on issues created within last 90 days.
Time Spent On Bug Fixing (%)
Shows the percentage of time spent on fixing the bugs over a total time spent on a project. Suggested acceptable indicator value is <20%. Calculation takes all work logs submitted within last 90 days. So, the logic of this metric works according to the formula: T = (time logged into bugs for last 90 days / time logged into all issues for last 90 days) *100.
Defects Average Lifetime (top priorities)
Shows an average lifetime (in days) for top priority defects. Calculation is based on issues in "Open" and "in Progress" states, closed within last 90 days.
Defects Average Lifetime (all priorities)
Shows an average lifetime (in days) for defects on a project, all priorities. Calculation is based on defects, closed within last 90 days.