Number of Items with Effort Logged after Items Were Closed shows the amount of issues for which some effort was logged after closing of the issue, in case it was logged after a number of closed items with a logged effort after their closure later 00:00 next day. Calculation is based on issues created within last 90 days.
How metric helps
Number of Items with Effort Logged after Items Were Closed helps to identify cases when any work was done after task completing and to analyze reasons. It is expected that in the project this health indicator value is equal to zeroof the untimely time logging. The expected metric value is 0.
How metric works
Chart overview
Chart shows Number a number of Items with Effort Logged after Items Were Closed in amount of items where time is logged after item's status has been changed to the end status according its workflow.closed items with late time logs - number in the center. Target value is above the chart.
By click on a chart a pop up appears with the following information got from the task tracking system:
Issue ID
Number of Items with Effort Logged after Items Were Closed calculates is a number of issues with in a "ClosedDone" status and with work log date > date when an issue is set any completed status.
Calculation is based on issues created within last 90 days.
RAG thresholds: Red where work log time later than "Done" status time.
RAG thresholds: Red - metric value > 0; Green - metric value = 0.
Info |
Assumptions1 Metric shows values for the items created within the last 90 days. 2 "Done" status is a status from "Done" bucket in Project Settings>Data Sources>Task Tracking System>Workflows. |
Data Source
Data for the metric can be collected from a task tracking system (Jira, TFS, Rally, etc.).
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