This chart shows distribution of builds by status (success, fail, abort, and few more) on daily basis within 1 month up to the current day. Ideal target for this chart is all success (means no failures) for each day.
How this metric helps
Build failures are inevitable, especially when multiple builds are generated in a single day. By tracking failures, we can quickly identify the changes that led to the failure and resolve them more quickly than we could otherwise. And not only for responding to problems may this metric be helpful. In a wider sense it shows how healthy your CD process is, and how effective your developers are at resolving and preventing failures.
May become extremely helpful on a stabilization phase of a project/release when no active development but rather bug fixing is supposed.
How it works
Chart Overview
Chart displays the ratio of builds by status (Axis Y) on day-by-day timeline (Axis X). Legend on the top shows the number of builds resulted in success, failure or any other status for the current day and also deciphers build status coloring applied for the chart.
Calculation Formula
Metric calculates the total number of builds and divide those by statuses for each day.
Data Source
Data for the metric may be collected from Jenkins.