Build Results


Build Results shows the distribution of builds by status (success, fail, abort, and few more) on a daily basis within 1 month up to the current day. Ideal target for this chart is all success (means no failures) for each day. 

How this metric helps

This not necessarily a "metric" (as it can hardly be represented as a single number), but rather a chart.

Build failures might happen from time to time. Monitoring of those failures vs. overall picture will help immature teams and processes to evolve and introduce stronger quality guards for the committed code - thus increasing the efficiency of a whole delivery pipeline. By tracking failures, summarized on this chart, you can quickly identify the changes that led to a failure and then target improvements within a process more efficiently. In a wider sense, this chart shows how healthy a build/Ci/Cd process is, and how effective your developers are at resolving and preventing failures.

The metric is extremely helpful at a stabilization phase of a project/release when bug fixing takes place.

How it works

Chart Overview

Chart displays a number of builds by status (Axis Y) on day-by-day timeline (Axis X). Legend on the top shows the number of builds resulted in success, failure or any other status for the current day.

Calculation Formula

At the chart a count of builds by status is shown for each day.

Data Source

Data for the metric may be collected from Jenkins/GitLab CI.

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