What does the Resource Plan perspective contain?
The Perspective of Resource Plan is shown for all employees. It contains positions created on the selected Business Unit \ Account \ Program \ Project \ Stream.
With Basic permissions (users with Employee roles) you can only view positions, which have already started and have been linked to the Personal Employee Profiles.
With Advanced permissions (users with Unit Manager/Admin roles) you can:
Already started positions linked to Personal Employee Profiles
Not-yet-started positions with candidates
Not-yet-started positions without candidates
Manage not-started positions: create, edit, delete them
Manage workload in positions, which have already started and have been linked to the Personal Employee Profiles
View the Bench section
Also the Search option is available for all users.
Hierarchy is opened by default and displays the real structure on the project including all streams and sub-streams.
In the field with the unit name user can see the total number of positions on each unit:
The total number includes positions residing directly on the selected unit and its sub-units (if exist).
The total number includes only positions that have workload in the current month
Next to the unit name, we display Unit Managers (Key Staff) assigned directly to a particular unit. Full list with details is available on photo hover:
For managers with Advanced permissions (users with Unit Manager/Admin roles) there are two sensitive metrics Attrition Risk Index and Performance Meet+ Index:
Attrition Risk Index is based on the Risk of Leaving and Critical Role on Unit metrics and calculated for the whole team.
Performance Meet+ Index is based on each team member's Performance Evaluation and calculated for the whole team.
If there are 0 members in a unit, then the system hides metrics (Attrition Risk, Performance Meet+).
FTE chart
This chart shows FTE index dynamic over 7 months period (current month + 6 future months):
For units, that have no sub-units: FTE index includes workload of positions residing directly on the selected unit
For units, that have sub-units: FTE index includes workload of positions residing directly on the selected unit and its sub-units
If there are 0 positions in a unit, then the system hides the chart.
FTE chart depends on the Show Planned Positions toggle:
When toggle is OFF, FTE chart includes only workloads of actual positions (started positions linked to Personal Profiles)
When toggle is ON, FTE chart includes workloads of all positions: actual positions (started positions linked to Personal Profiles) and planned positions (not-yet-started positions both with and without candidates)
FTE index is recalculated each time the Show Planned Positions toggle is switched OFF/ON.
On the Stream/Project level a table with the list of positions, which are linked directly to the unit, is displayed.
The table consists of the following columns:
Column | Description |
Role | Displays role, specified for the corresponding position |
Team Member | For started (actual) positions linked to Personal Profiles:
For not-yet-started (planned) positions with candidates:
For not-yet-started (planned) positions without candidates:
Required Skills | Displays required skills specified for the corresponding position |
Location | For started (actual) positions linked to Personal Profiles:
For not-yet-started (planned) positions with candidates:
Workload panel
On the Stream/Project level user can see monthly workload % for all positions displayed in the table:
The panel displays a workload cell per each calendar month that fits within the Start Date - End Date period for a particular position. Each cell displays the specified workload number for the selected position during a particular month.
Cells out of position's Start Date - End Date dates are not displayed.
Maximum available time period for viewing position workload:
in the past: 12 months from the current month
in the future: 24 months from the current month
For current and future workload (current month and following): cells are filled in with blue color in proportion to the specified workload number.
For past workload (previous month and earlier): cells are filled in with grey color in proportion to the specified workload number.
In case the employee's total workload for all positions in the organization for the month is > 100% (overload), the workload cell will be marked with a dot icon and hint with the list of all positions, where employee has workload in that month, will be displayed on the cell hover:
FTE* section
In the upper part of the Workload panel we display FTE index calculated for each month.
Calculation logic:
FTE index number = (<Sum of planned workloads for the month>)/100
For units, that have no sub-units: FTE index includes workload of positions residing directly on the selected unit.
For units, that have sub-units: FTE index includes workload of positions residing directly on the selected unit and its sub-units.
FTE index number also has it's graphic representation in a form of a stacked column. The column view is based on FTE index with differentiation by status (Utilized/Not utilized):
Utilized (blue) = FTE index for started positions linked to profiles + FTE index for not-yet-started positions with candidates
Not utilized (grey)= FTE index for not-yet-started positions without candidates
FTE index depends on the Show Planned Positions toggle:
When toggle is OFF, FTE Index counts only workloads of actual positions (started positions linked to Personal Profiles)
When toggle is ON, FTE Index counts workloads of all positions: actual positions (started positions linked to Personal Profiles) and planned positions (not-yet-started positions both with and without candidates)
FTE index is recalculated each time the Show Planned Positions toggle is switched OFF/ON.
*FTE is equal to 1 Full-Time Employee working with 100% workload per month.
Quick menu
On the Resource Plan perspective you can have fast access to the main activities with positions:
View Position - opens the position card (View position state)
Edit Position - allows to edit not-yet-started position (opens Edit position state)
The menu options are displayed on hover over the cells in the Team Member column:
These menu options are only available for not-yet-started positions (with our without candidates).
On the Resource Plan perspective you can also have fast access to the main activities with profiles:
View Profile - opens team member's Personal Employee Profile
Edit Workload - allows to edit workload for the started, active position, linked to the Personal Employee Profile. Note: the option will become unavailable, once the position's End Date arrives.
Update Performance -
You can update monthly performance here. The same logic as described here Monthly view
Set profile's project Risk of Leaving - the same logic as described here Risk of Leaving
Set profile's Critical Role on Unit - the same logic as described here Critical Role on Unit
Set profile's Motivation - the same logic as described here Motivation
Set profile's Likes/Dislikes - the same logic as described here Likes/Dislikes
Create an Action Item - the same logic as described here Action Items
Propose Successor for the selected Role Holder - the same logic as described here Succession Module
Copy Link to a particular profile in TEAMS just by clicking on the Quick Menu option
The menu options are displayed on hover over the cells in the Team Member column:
For managerial users (with full access personal profiles of other employees) the system displays a full menu, for basic users only "View Profile", "Action Item" and "Copy Link to Profile" options are available:
There are also some options available for users themselves (on hover over their own records):
with Basic permissions:
with Advanced permissions:
All these menu options are only available for started positions linked to Personal Profiles.
Bench section
Bench section is not a part of the organization hierarchy and is only available for users with Advanced Permissions (users with Unit Manager/Admin roles).
Bench section displays the list of employees whose total workload across all organization roles is less than 100% for the selected period. Selected period = period applied in the Advanced search. If no filter for period is applied, current month is considered as the selected period.
User is able to see the total number of employees in the Bench section for the current month:
FTE chart
This chart shows Not UtilizedFTE index dynamic in the Bench section over 7 months period (current month + 6 future months):
The Bench table displays list of active employees (not positions!) and consists of the following columns:
Column | Description |
Employee | Displays the First and Last name of a team member, photo and title. |
Location | Displays office location of an employee. |
Workload panel
In the Bench section user can see total monthly workload % of all employees displayed in the table:
The panel displays a workload cell per each calendar month that fits within the Start Date - End Date period for at least 1 position of the employee. Each cell displays the total workload of employee in all positions during a particular month (sum of all workloads for the month).
Cells out of position's Start Date - End Date dates for at least 1 position are not displayed.
Maximum available time period for viewing position workload:
in the past: 12 months from the current month
in the future: 24 months from the current month
For current and future workload (current month and following): cells are filled in with blue color in proportion to the specified workload number.
For past workload (previous month and earlier): cells are filled in with grey color in proportion to the specified workload number.
In the Bench section, hint with the list of all positions, where the employee has workload in that month, will be displayed on hover over any available workload cell. In case the employee's total workload for all positions in the organization for the month is > 100% (overload), the workload cell will be marked with a dot icon.
FTE* section
In the upper part of the Workload panel we display FTE index of Not utilized workload calculated for each month.
Calculation logic:
FTE index number of Not utilized workload = (<Sum of not utilized workloads for the month>)/100
In case employee does not have any active project assignment in the selected month, his not utilized workload is considered as 100%.
All months prior to the date, when the employee was hired to the company, are NOT counted into his not utilized workload.
FTE index number of Not utilized workload also has it's graphic representation in a form of a stacked column. The column view is based on FTE index of Not utilized workload.
*FTE is equal to 1 Full-Time Employee working with 100% workload per month.
Action controls
Action controls are displayed above the hierarchy and include:
Add Position button
Show Planned Positions toggle
Show Bench toggle
Search for employee
Add Position button
The button is available starting from the account level and lower.
The button is displayed only when user has Advanced access to at least 1 unit within account of the current unit (in case user is standing on the account level and lower).
Click on the button launches New Position state in the slide-out sidebar.
Show Planned Positions toggle
The toggle is available starting from the account level and lower.
The toggle is displayed only when user has Advanced access to at least 1 unit within account of the current unit (in case user is standing on the account level and lower).
Turning the toggle OFF will hide all planned positions (not-yet-started positions both with and without candidates) from business units where user has Unit Manager/Admin permissions.
Turning the toggle ON will display all planned positions (not-yet-started positions both with and without candidates) together with actual positions (started positions linked to Personal Profiles) on business units where user has Unit Manager/Admin permissions.
Show Bench toggle
The toggle is available starting from any level.
The toggle is displayed only when user has Advanced access to at least 1 unit within all accounts.
Turning the toggle ON will:
Launch Auto-scroll to navigate the user down to the Bench section.
Display the Bench section below all the hierarchy units on the Resource Plan perspective in the expanded state.
Turning the toggle OFF will hide the Bench section with all it's features.
Search for Employee
The Search is available starting from any level in 2 variations:
Simple search
Advanced Search
Simple search
Using a Simple search you can search for the:
Team members assigned to the current unit and sub-units
Employees proposed as candidates for positions on the current unit and sub-units, where you have Advanced access
Employees on the bench who have at least one active or planned assignment on the current unit and sub-units (Bench section is available exclusively for users who have Advanced access to at least 1 unit within all accounts in the organization)
You can initialize the search by typing any part of Name / Surname (3 symbols and more). If there are any results, they will be shown below the search area.
Select an employee from the list to view his/her assignments:
When the search is activated, Show Bench and Show Planned Positions toggles will be automatically switched on and disabled:
Advanced search
Using an Advanced search you can search for the:
Team members assigned to the current unit and sub-units
Employees proposed as candidates for positions on the current unit and sub-units, where you have Advanced access
Employees on the bench (Bench section is available exclusively for users who have Advanced access to at least 1 unit within all accounts in the organization)
You can open an Advanced search by selecting the search area and clicking on the Advanced search button.
The Advanced search provides the following filters:
Search by Employee's Name / Surname
You can type any part of the Employee's Name / SurnameTitle
Enter at least 3 letters to initialize the search by employees' titles. If there are any results, they will be shown below. You can select multiple titles from the list:
Set the period by selecting From and To dates from the calendar. When the search is performed within the selected period, the employee's workload (if the availability is specified) and the employee's hiring and leaving dates are taken into account.
The selection of dates is limited by the visible period on the Resource Plan, which is not earlier than 12 months and not later than 24 months from the current month.
Availability shows the employee's available capacity that can be dedicated to a new position.
Availability = 100% - total workload for all positions in the organization (including planned positions)
When the Availability is set, only employees whose availability for each day of the selected period corresponds to the filter applied will be found (the employee's start date and end date in the company are also considered).
When the Search is activated, the system will find all the employees in the selected unit, all sub-units, and on the bench according to the filters applied.
If at least one of the position's active dates lies inside the search period, this position will be shown on the Resource Plan.
Please note: the total number in the brackets and calculated indexes will not be changed (NOT connected with the filters applied)
The workloads in the table's headers will be recalculated (consistent with the filters applied)
When the search is activated, the Show Bench and Show Planned Positions toggles will be automatically switched on and disabled
You can reset all filters by clicking on the Remove All button (and the Show Bench and Show Planned Positions toggles will become enabled).
If you select another unit in the hierarchy tree, the search will be reset as well.