Uncontrolled scope volatility
Changing priorities during Sprint execution
No control over scope creeping
Sprint backlog is not stable
Frequently changing product priorities, so no way to make planning ahead
Requirements are not stable enough from business standpoint
Scope is too volatile and uncertain
Discovered by combination of metrics:
Velocity: Committed vs. Completed, when completed is too low (due to focus change)
Scrum Cycle Time, when more than 1 or 2 (stories get postponed to next sprint)
Lead and Cycle Time, when Cycle time is suspiciously big
Reaction/Resolution Target Fulfillment, when targets are constantly not met for tickets that are moved both ways around the board
Throughput, when suspiciously low
Sprint Plan Change,when significant amount of scope is being removed or added during active iteration
Delivery Forecast via Burn-up, when Sprint/Release scope frequently increases and decreases, or when Project Scope bounces up and down having too much deviations from the scope trend line (Scope Creep)
Requirements Rewritten After Became Ready, when there are frequent updates in the "ready for development" scope in product or/and sprint backlog