Bug growth by months
This article describes what “Bug growth by sprints” metric is and how it helps and works
What is “Bug growth by months” metric?
Bug Growth shows a number of Fixed defects vs. number of Logged defects for a time frame (month, sprint and so on). This view shows a trend of submitted defects exceeds the trend of defects being fixed - to understand if a team can timely manage the quality debt
Creating a metric
See Custom Metric development for details
Creating a Custom Selection
See Custom Metric development to see how to get to a Custom Selection mode.
Further will be the explanation of the code you should put in the “PerfQL” field
Retrieving of bugs data
bugs as (
key as item,
created as created,
done_date as d_date,
resolved as rslv_date
from ticket
lower(type) in ('bug', 'sub-bug')
Here we retrieve all bugs related data filtering data in Ticket table by equality condition of type-column to ‘Bug' or 'Sub-bug’
Example of the output:
Data aggregation and grouping
To get required result we need to join logged bugs with fixed bugs. To do so we need to truncate every creation date and done_date to month and join bugs by equality condition of these dates. Then we count unique values of item-column shown in the output above and extract year and month from every creation date and done_date to group counted values by these dates
Full code recap
bugs as (
key as item,
created as created,
done_date as d_date,
resolved as rslv_date
from ticket
lower(type) in ('bug', 'sub-bug')
coalesce(date_trunc('month', logged.created),
date_trunc('month', fixed.d_date)
) as dts, --dates for sorting
coalesce(to_char(logged.created, 'yyyy Mon'),
to_char(fixed.d_date, 'yyyy Mon')
) as year_and_month,
count(distinct logged.item) as logged_items,
count(distinct fixed.item) as fixed_items
from bugs logged
full join
bugs fixed
on date_trunc('month', logged.created) = date_trunc('month', fixed.d_date)
where logged.created is not null
or fixed.d_date is not null
group by year_and_month, dts
order by dts desc
Example of the output: