Lead Time for Changes
The interval between a code change (first commit) and its release to the end users is considered Lead Time for Changes.
“Shorter product delivery lead times are better since they enable faster feedback on what we are building and allow us to course-correct more rapidly. Short lead times are also important when there is a defect or outage, and we need to deliver a fix rapidly and with high confidence.”
Accelerate: The science of lean software and DevOps: Building and scaling high performing technology organizations
This metric will show the difference between transition to a particular Jira/Azure Boards/Rally status and release date of a fix version this ticket was assigned to.
Calculation logic selects all releases completed within interval & counts lead time for changes for all tickets assigned to those releases.
This metric is based on Task Tracking System's (Jira, Azure Boards, or Rally) data. The main pre-requisites are
to have actual fix versions with correct release dates;
tickets being released should be assigned to a fix version;
tickets are being timely transitioned to appropriate statuses in TTS.
You can configure the status from where Lead Time for Changes will start:
as usually there is no status for 'first commit' in TTS, so by default, it's one of the usual statuses when development starts ('In Progress','In Development','In Dev');
the default can be changed to Code Review status to focus on & optimize further stages, like Code Review, Testing & Deployment.
The median time is used while calculating a value for the interval.
In case when a ticket is assigned to multiple releases - we're picking the last release's date while calculating lead time for changes.
In case when ticket spent several times in status where lead time for changes starts - we're picking the first time ticket transitioned to this status.
The current interval starts from today - interval duration (1 month/quarter). It's done to make a smooth transition from previous interval to the current one (especially when month/quarter just started). Example: Today is 5 Jan. If release interval is a month, then Jan bar will contain releases from 5 Dec up till now.
We have 4 variables in the code of this metric:
Number of intervals to show. Basically, how many bars do you want to see on the chart? Default is 9
Interval type. If you don't release too often you probably don't want to see gaps for some months. As an example, if there was no release during any month - you will not see lead time for changes for that month. In this case, if you select quarter intervals, you will get median of all lead times for changes during that quarter. Default: month.
Dev Start Status. This is the status in Task Tracking System from where you want to count your Lead Time for Changes. By default, it's set to usual statuses for development start ('In Progress','In Development','In Dev'). Default can be changed to Code Review status to focus on & optimize further stages, like Code Review, Testing & Deployement.
Tickets. This is the scope for our measurement. For example, it doesn't make sense to count Lead Time for Changes for Epics, so we can exclude them here.
Here is the code of the metric:
with number_of_intervals_to_show as
select 9 --how many time intervals to show on the chart
as show
interval_type as
select 1 --1=month, 2=quarters
as i_type
dev_start_status as --status(es) lead time for changes is starting from
select 'In progress'
union select 'In Development'
union select 'In Dev'
tickets as --scope of measurement
select * from ticket
where type not in ('Epic')
interval as --preparing intervals - months or quarters
case when (select i_type from interval_type)=1 then to_char(i_finish, 'YYYY MM')
else to_char(i_finish, 'YYYY "Q"Q') end as timeline,
select now() as i_finish, now()-interval '3 month' as i_start, 2 as type
(date_trunc('quarter', now()) - interval '3' month* generate_series(0,(select show from number_of_intervals_to_show)-2))-interval '1 second' as i_finish,
(date_trunc('quarter', now()) - interval '3' month* generate_series(0,(select show from number_of_intervals_to_show)-2))-interval '3 month' as i_start,
2 as type
select now() as i_finish, now()-interval '1 month' as i_start, 1 as type
(date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '1' month* generate_series(0,(select show from number_of_intervals_to_show)-2))-interval '1 second' as i_finish,
(date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '1' month* generate_series(0,(select show from number_of_intervals_to_show)-2))-interval '1 month' as i_start,
1 as type
) as temp
where type=(select i_type from interval_type)
releases as --selecting releases completed within intervals
select * from release
where finish_date>=(select min(i_start) from interval)
tickets_releases as --collecting tickets released, counting their lead time for changes
select b.key, b.type, b.created, b.priority, b.environment, b.story_points, b.summary,
max(a.finish_date) as release_date, --case when tickets assigned to multiple releases - picking the last one
min(c.start) as in_progress_date --case with ticket reopening - picking first time it was in status
from releases a
join tickets b on a.id=any(b.fix_releases)
join tickethistory c on b.id=c.workitem_id and c.field=0 and c.status ILIKE ANY (select * from dev_start_status) and c.start<a.finish_date
group by b.key, b.type, b.created, b.priority, b.environment, b.story_points, b.summary
timeline::varchar as timeline,
(percentile_cont(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY DATE_PART('day', release_date-in_progress_date)+DATE_PART('hour', release_date-in_progress_date)/24.0)) as lead_time_for_changes
from interval
left join tickets_releases on release_date>=i_start and release_date<=i_finish
group by timeline
order by timeline asc |
RAG Thresholds
RAG thresholds:
RED: >30 days
AMBER: 7-30 days
GREEN: <7 days
That corresponds to 2022 Google's State of DevOps Report: https://services.google.com/fh/files/misc/2022_state_of_devops_report.pdf
Drill-down query to show Key, Summary, Type & Lead Time for Changes for tickets released within clicked interval:
key as "Key",
summary as "Summary",
type as "Type",
round((DATE_PART('day', release_date-in_progress_date)+DATE_PART('hour', release_date-in_progress_date)/24.0)::numeric, 2) as "Lead Time for Changes, days"
from interval
join tickets_releases a on a.release_date>=i_start and a.release_date<=i_finish
where timeline=clicked_x_value
order by "Lead Time for Changes, days" desc |
If you have several teams and you want to see the Lead Time for Changes across all your teams, here is an example of how to do that.
Aggregation dataset:
Aggregation metric's code:
select timeline, avg(lead_time_for_changes) as "Average Lead Time for Changes (days)"
from DORA_Lead_Time_for_Changes
group by timeline
order by timeline asc |
As a result, you will see the average lead time for changes for all your teams.
In the drill-down you will have the deployment frequency values for each team. Here is the code:
How to improve Lead Time for Changes
If you're not in a GREEN zone for this metric, please consider the following ways to decrease your lead time for changes:
Optimize Coding Time
Reduce rework in the coding cycles
Work with small batches
Avoid multitasking and context switching
Write clear requirements
Optimize Code Review Time
Keep it small. If reviewers decide to battle with your changes, it will take too much time to review the PR.
Code faster. Break large features into small pieces and keep the coding time short for each pull request. See the problems earlier.
Review faster. Don’t let your code changes stale to prevent potential merge conflicts.
Create a Code Review Checklist
Automate what can be automated in the code review process. Automation is the first gatekeeper of code reviews.
Be ready to be reviewed. Review yourself before submitting. Give it a clear and descriptive title and write the best description.
Optimize Testing (Waiting For Deploy) Time
Automate your CI/CD process.
Increase your test automation coverage.
Eliminate manual approval processes.
Reduce pipeline queue time. Improve your CI/CD tooling performance and capability.
Optimize Deployment Time
Identify friction in the CI/CD process.
Reduce CI/CD pipeline duration.
Cache build dependencies.
Optimize container image size.
Check the network latency.
Optimize resources.
Review pipeline architecture.