Change Failure Rate
Change failure time measures the percentage of deployments causing a failure in production requiring remediation (e.g., hotfix, rollback, patch).
“A key metric when making changes to systems is what percentage of changes to production (including, for example, software releases and infrastructure configuration changes) fail. In the context of Lean, this is the same as percent complete and accurate for the product delivery process, and is a key quality metric.”
Accelerate: The science of lean software and DevOps: Building and scaling high performing technology organizations
This metric will show % of hotfix releases among all releases completed within interval (month, quarter).
This metric is based on Task Tracking System's (Jira, Azure Boards or Rally) data. The main pre-requisites are
to have actual fix versions with correct release dates;
hotfix releases should be marked appropriately OR there should be a way to distinguish production top-priority defects being released (depends on calculation logic - see Configuration)
Current interval starts from today - interval duration (1 month/quarter). It's done to make a smooth transition from previous interval to the current one (especially when month/quarter just started). Example: Today is 5 Jan. If release interval is a month, then Jan bar will contain releases from 5 Dec up till now.
We have 3 variables in the code of this metric:
Number of intervals to show. Basically, how many bars do you want to see on the chart? Default is 9
Interval type. If you don't release too often you probably don't want to see gaps for some months - so it's better to set interval type to quarters. As an example, if there was 1 release in Jan, none in Feb and 2 in Mar - you will get 1 release per month in Q1. Default: month.
Calculation logic. There are 2 options:
1 = based on hotfix release criteria. It works if you have hotfix releases & can easily distinguish them from other releases.
2 = based on production top-priority defect(s) assigned to release. Here we understand that the release is actually a hotfix based on top-priority production defects assigned to it. Default logic is:
1 blocker priority production defect = hotfix release
1 critical priority production defect gives 20% to a failure rate of a release
Example: there were 10 releases, 1 release had 2 blockers, 1 release had 6 criticals, 1 release had 1 critical defect, other 7 releases had no top-priority production defects. Result: CFR = 100*(1+1+0.2)/10 % = 22%
Hotfix criteria. The criteria to distinguish hotfixes from regular releases. Default: there are "hot" and "fix" strings in either name or description of the release OR the patch version (if release name is in MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format) is not equal to 0. Please set your own hotfix criteria for release used on your project.
Production defects. Criteria for top-priority production defects.
Here is the code of the metric:
with number_of_intervals_to_show as
select 9 --how many time intervals to show on the chart
as show
interval_type as
select 1 --1=month, 2=quarters
as i_type
calculation_logic as
select 2 --1=based on hotfix release criteria; 2=based on production top-priority defect(s) assigned to release
hotfix_criteria as --criteria for hotfix releases
select id from release
where (lower(name) like '%hot%' and lower(name) like '%fix%')
or (lower(description) like '%hot%' and lower(description) like '%fix%')
or (name like '%.%.%' and name not like '%.%.0%')
interval as --preparing intervals - months or quarters
select * from
select now() as i_finish, now()-interval '3 month' as i_start, 2 as type
(date_trunc('quarter', now()) - interval '3' month* generate_series(0,(select show from number_of_intervals_to_show)-2))-interval '1 second' as i_finish,
(date_trunc('quarter', now()) - interval '3' month* generate_series(0,(select show from number_of_intervals_to_show)-2))-interval '3 month' as i_start,
2 as type
select now() as i_finish, now()-interval '1 month' as i_start, 1 as type
(date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '1' month* generate_series(0,(select show from number_of_intervals_to_show)-2))-interval '1 second' as i_finish,
(date_trunc('month', now()) - interval '1' month* generate_series(0,(select show from number_of_intervals_to_show)-2))-interval '1 month' as i_start,
1 as type
) as temp
where type=(select i_type from interval_type)
production_defects as --production top-priority defects criteria
select * from ticket
where priority in ('Blocker','Critical')
and (type='Incident'
or (type='Bug'
and ((environment ~* 'prod|live' and environment !~* 'preprod|pre-prod')
or lower(summary) ilike any (array['prod%','[prod%'])
or (labels::text ~* 'prod|live|client' and labels::text !~* 'pre-prod|preprod|postprod|post-prod')
releases as --selecting releases finished within intervals
select case when (select i_type from interval_type)=1 then to_char(i_finish, 'YYYY MM')
else to_char(i_finish, 'YYYY "Q"Q') end as timeline,
from interval
left join release a on a.finish_date>=i_start and a.finish_date<=i_finish
tickets_releases as --collecting tickets released, marking production top-priority defects
select a.timeline,,
b.key, b.type, b.created, b.priority, b.environment, b.story_points, b.summary
from releases a
left join production_defects b on
calculation_logic2 as
select timeline, name,
least(100.0*sum(case when priority='Blocker' then 1
when priority='Critical' then 0.2
else 0 end),100)--/nullif(count(key),0)
as cfr
from tickets_releases
group by timeline, name
select timeline,change_failure_rate from
timeline::varchar as timeline,
100.0*sum(case when id in (select id from hotfix_criteria) then 1 else 0 end)/nullif(count(id),0) as change_failure_rate,
1 as type
from releases
group by timeline
timeline::varchar as timeline,
avg(cfr) as change_failure_rate,
2 as type
from calculation_logic2
group by timeline
) as temp
where type = (select * from calculation_logic)
order by timeline asc |
RAG Thresholds
RAG thresholds:
RED: >30%
AMBER: 15%-30%
GREEN: <15%
That corresponds to 2022 Google's State of DevOps Report:
There would be two types of drill-downs based on the calculation logic you’ve chosen.
Calculation Logic 1
Drill-down query to show Release Name, Release Date, Description & Hotfix flag for releases completed within clicked interval:
name as "Release Name",
finish_date as "Release Date",
description as "Description",
case when id in (select id from hotfix_criteria) then 'Yes'
when id is null then null
else 'No' end as "Hotfix?"
from releases
where timeline=clicked_x_value
order by finish_date desc |
Calculation Logic 2
name as "Release Name", key, summary, type, priority
from tickets_releases
where timeline=clicked_x_value and key is not null
order by priority asc |
If you have several teams and you want to see Change Failure Rate across all your teams, here is an example of how to do that.
Aggregation dataset:
Aggregation metric's code:
As a result, you will see change failure rate for all your teams.
In the drill-down you will have change failure rate values for each team. Here is the code:
How to improve Change Failure Rate
If you're not in a GREEN zone for this metric, please consider the following ways to reduce your change failure rate:
Work on small and self-contained changes: working with smaller versions of changes makes it easier to test them and less likely to break;
Leverage infrastructure and application configuration as code: guarantee that mission-critical configurations and services’ infrastructure are visible and reproducible;
Use test automation: incorporating automated tests at every stage of the CI/CD pipeline can help you reduce delivery times since it helps catch issues earlier;
Create deployment strategies: ad hoc deployments carry a lot of risks. Thus many teams have started using a deployment plan instead. Canary releases, blue-green releases and rolling releases are the three most prevalent deployment methods.