TEAMS - Attrition Mitigation

What does this perspective consist of?

The Attrition Mitigation perspective can be divided into several parts:

  • Team Attrition Risk Index.

  • Team members table.

  • Attrition chart (includes the drilldown which is being opened when the user clicks on any point on the chart). 

  • Risk of leaving chart (includes the drilldown). 

  • Attrition Root Cause chart (includes the drilldown). 

  • Attrition by Work Duration chart (includes the drilldown). 

  • Likes/Dislikes chart.

  • Project Motivation chart (includes the drilldown).

  • Risk of Leaving vs Project Impact chart (includes the drilldown).

Please find the extended explanation about each of the sections below.

Attrition Index and its explanation

On top of the perspective, you will see an explanation of the Team Attrition Risk Index. 


Calculation of the index described here.

Team members table

The Attrition Mitigation perspective allows managers to understand which Attrition risks exist within the team and to observe the Risk of Leaving status per each team member.

By default, inactive profiles are hidden from charts that are below the table. If you want to show these profiles you need to use filter «Assignment Status» and check «Assignment ended»

If you switch between tabs then the system hides the team members table.

The table shows the list of all team members assigned to the project: those who have an active assignment on the project and those who left the project within the last 12 months.

It consists of the following columns:





Team member

Displays the First and Last name of an employee, photo and project role. Clicking this column opens the employee's Personal Profile.


Displays the employee's seniority level (including track info).

Critical Role on Unit

Displays whether the employee's impact on the project is Low, Moderate, High or Critical. See Critical Role on Unit

Last update (critical role on unit)

Shows the period when the employee's role criticality status was last updated.

Updated by (critical role on unit)

Shows the name of an employee who updated the role criticality status.

Comment (critical role on unit)

Displays the comment left for the role criticality status.


Displays total time the employee works on the same project in all roles (both active and not active), where all the gaps (if any) between previous role’s end date and next role’s start date are no longer than 30 days.

Time on project

Displays total time the employee works on the project in the current role (from Start Date on the Project in an employee's personal profile - current date).

Risk of leaving

Displays the employee's current risk of leaving status. See Risk of Leaving

Trend (risk of leaving)

Displays the employee's Risk of Leaving Trend in comparison with the previous Risk of Leaving status.

Last update (risk of leaving)

Shows the period when the employee's Risk of Leaving status was last updated.

Updated by (risk of leaving)

Shows the name of an employee who updated the Risk of Leaving status.

Account Unit

Displays the Account (Customer) to which the employee is assigned. 

Program Unit

Displays the Program to which the employee is assigned. 

Project Unit

Displays the Project to which the employee is assigned. 

Stream Unit

Displays the Stream to which the employee is assigned (if there is no stream you will see "-").

Planned leave date

Displays the employee's Planned Leave date.

Leave date

Displays the employee's Leave date for the employees with 'Assignment ended' assignment status.

Performance (monthly)

Displays the employee's current monthly performance value and status. 

Performance comment (monthly)

Displays the comment left about the employee's current monthly performance status on the Performance card.

Attrition type

Displays the employee's Attrition type (Voluntary/Involuntary).

Attrition reasons

Displays the employee's Attrition reason(s).

Actual reason comment (risk of leaving)

Displays the employee's Actual reason comment (risk of leaving).

Retention strategy

Displays the employee's Retention strategy.


Displays the employee's likes


Displays the employee's  dislikes


Displays the employee's motivation group (incl. 'Comment' and 'Updated by' fields)

Trend (motivation)

Displays the employee's Motivation Trend in comparison with the previous Motivation status.

Last update (motivation)

Shows the period when the employee's Motivation status was last updated.

Updated by (motivation)

Shows the name of an employee who updated the Motivation status.

Comment (motivation)

Displays comment for the the employee's Motivation status.

The table supports pagination, searching by team members and column sorting. Also, feel free to use Column settings and filters to configure data in the table as you wish.


Employees who left the project within the last 12 months are highlighted in grey, and the date when the person left the project is shown on hover:

In case the person is no longer employed by the company, the date when the person left the company is also displayed in the hint, shown on hover:

Columns Settings

The following columns from the list above are required: Team member, Level, Critical Role on Unit, Time on project, Risk of leaving, Trend (risk of leaving), Last update (risk of leaving), Updated by (risk of leaving).

The remaining columns from the list are optional.

You can add to/remove from the table all optional columns via Columns Settings. We provide the ability to drag-and-drop columns in the 'Columns Settings' dropdown which affects columns' order in the Team Members table as well.


You can filter employees from the Attrition Mitigation perspective to increase the usability of Attrition Mitigation Management.

You can choose specific assignment statuses, roles, levels, risk of leaving statuses, impact on the project, attrition reasons, monthly performance, etc. that you would like to filter by:

Filter category 'Left Company' has been added to help you filter out people who are no longer no longer employed by the company:

Applied filters are grouped into the corresponding categories, so you can quickly update filters you are interested in:

We also provide the ability to search for a corresponding filter within the category if there are more than 10 items in the group:

Quick Menu

On the Attrition Mitigation perspective you can also copy the link to a particular profile in the TEAMS application just by clicking on the Quick Menu option.

On hover over the cells in Team Member column, Quick Menu will be displayed:

Export data to Excel on the Attrition Mitigation Perspective

You can export data to Excel on the Attrition Mitigation perspective. 

Export is available from the Customer level (Account) and lower. 

The following data can be exported:






Displays the employee's first name and last name.


Displays the employee's role on the project.

Risk of leaving

Displays the employee's current risk of leaving status. See Risk of Leaving

Last update (risk of leaving)

Shows the date when the employee's risk of leaving status, planned leave date, attrition type, attrition reasons, attrition reason comment or retention strategy were last updated.

Updated by (risk of leaving)

Shows the name of the employee who last updated the employee's risk of leaving status, planned leave date, attrition type, attrition reasons, attrition reason comment or retention strategy.


Displays the employee's seniority level (including track info).

Trend (risk of leaving)

Displays the employee's risk of leaving trend in comparison with the previous risk of leaving status.

Attrition type

Displays attrition type (voluntary/involuntary).

Attrition Reasons

Displays attrition reason(s).

Planned Leave Date

Displays the employee's planned leave date.

Actual Reason Comment (risk of leaving)

Displays attrition reason comment.

Retention Strategy

Displays a retention strategy.

Assignment Status

Displays the employee's assignment status (Assignment active/Assignment ended).


Displays total time the employee works on the same project in all roles (both active and not active), where all the gaps (if any) between previous role’s end date and next role’s start date are no longer than 30 days.

Time on project

Displays total time employee works on the project (from Start Date on the Project in the employee's personal profile - current date).

Leave Date

Displays the employee's Leave date for employees with 'Assignment ended' assignment status.

Impact on the project

Displays whether the employee's impact on the project is Low, Moderate, High or Critical. See Critical Role on Unit

Last update (impact on the project)

Shows the date when the employee's impact on the project status or comment was last updated.

Updated by (impact on the project)

Shows the name of the employee who last updated the employee's impact on the project status or comment.

Comment (impact on the project)

Displays comment for impact on the project card.

Performance Value (monthly)

Displays the employee's current monthly performance value (for example, 1.2).

Performance Status (monthly)

Displays the employee's current monthly performance status (for example, Meets expectations).

Performance Comment (monthly)

Displays the comment left about the employee's current monthly performance status on the Performance card.


Displays the employee's Account (Customer).


Displays the employee's Program.


Displays the employee's Project.


Displays the employee's Stream.


Displays the employee's likes


Displays the employee's  dislikes


Displays the employee's motivation. See Motivation

Trend (motivation)

Displays the employee's Motivation Trend in comparison with the previous Motivation status.

Last update (motivation)

Shows the date when the employee's motivation status, likes or dislikes were last updated.

Updated by (motivation)

Shows the name of the employee who last updated the employee's motivation status, likes or dislikes.

Comment (motivation)

Displays comment for the the employee's Motivation status.

You can select the columns which you would like to export. Employee, Role, Risk of leaving, Last update (risk of leaving) columns are required.

Attrition chart

The attrition chart visualizes the dynamic of employees' total headcount versus the number of leavers over 12 months period and the dynamic of annualized attrition rate over 2 years. Total headcount - the number of all team members (active profiles and leavers). Leavers - the number of inactive profiles who left the project in a particular month.

Attrition is calculated by the formula:

Attrition (ex. Annualized attrition) = Average number of Leavers per month*12/Average number of Team Members per month * 100%.

Attrition per Month view

The default view of the Attrition chart represents attrition data per month. We show the dynamic of employees' total headcount versus the number of leavers over 12 months period (today - 12 months):

For the last point on the Attrition per Month view (today's date) you'll be able to see the Attrition forecast for the current month (the number of active profiles with Risk of Leaving=Leaver and Planned Leave Date set to a date in the current month):

Attrition view

You should click on an appropriate icon to switch to the Attrition view:

We provide the ability to observe the dynamic of attrition over 12 months of the previous year. You can also observe the dynamic of annualized attrition over the months of the current year (from Jan till the current month). Leavers forecast for the current month is being included in the calculation. Both leavers and attrition rates are calculated upon aggregated data for previous months. 
When the user clicks on any point (month) on the chart, then the drilldown is being opened.

Annualized Attrition = Average number of Leavers per month + Leavers forecast for current month*12/Average number of Team Members per month * 100%.

Users can switch off either Annualized attrition graph lines or Average monthly graph lines by clicking on them in Legend.

Average Monthly Attrition is an average Attrition Rate,% per month. E.g.:

  • Average Monthly Attrition (for Dec) = (Attrition Rate (for Jan) +  Attrition Rate (for Feb) + ... + Attrition Rate (for Nov) + Attrition Rate (for Dec))/12

  • Average Monthly Attrition (for Oct) = (Attrition Rate (for Jan) +  Attrition Rate (for Feb) + ... + Attrition Rate (for Sep) + Attrition Rate (for Oct))/10

We provide the information with the percentage of leavers for Voluntary and Involuntary reasons. And show Average Quarterly Attrition rate (%) for 4 quarters of previous and current years to the 'Attrition' view.


You can filter the Attrition chart data by Location, Attrition Reasons (Voluntary, Involuntary, Force Majeure), Impact on Project (See Critical Role on Unit) and Billability (billable and non-billable):

If there is no option in the filtering category then the category will be displayed in light grey and disabled for expansion.

Risk of leaving chart

Risk of living chart visualizes dynamic of employees' risk of leaving statuses' changes (see Project Risk of Leaving) and their distribution over 12 months period (today - 12 months). Only active employees profiles are included in statistics.

When a user clicks on any point (month) on the chart, then the drilldown is being opened.


The chart can be additionally filtered by Location and Billability (billable and non-billable).

Attrition Root Cause chart

Attrition root cause chart shows relative proportions of all root causes of employees' attrition within the selected date range:

When a user clicks on any pie, the drilldown is being opened. 

You can expand and collapse this chart:

We're displaying Top 5 attrition root causes on the chart. You can also observe the whole list of root causes by clicking on the 'All Reasons List' link:

Export data to Excel

We provide the ability to export the chart's data to Excel. Excel report contains information about leavers and attrition reasons within the selected date range.

'Leavers' sheet provides the following data:

  • Deactivation date

  • Employee name

  • Role

  • Unit

  • Attrition type (Voluntary/Involuntary/Force Majeure)

  • Attrition reason(s)

  • Comment

'Attrition Reasons' sheet provides the following data:

  • Attrition reason

  • Attrition type (Voluntary/Involuntary/Force Majeure)

  • Team members (the number of leavers with this attrition reason)

  • Percentage (the percentage of particular attrition reason in the whole count of leavers attrition reasons)


The chart can be additionally filtered by Location and Billability (billable and non-billable).

Attrition by Work Duration chart

Attrition by work duration chart shows how many employees with certain work duration left the project within the selected date range. The work duration of an employee is a difference between the Deactivation Date and the Start Date on the project. 
When a user clicks on the column with any Work Duration on the chart, then the drilldown is being opened.

You can observe the average work duration within the selected date range:

The chart can be expanded and collapsed:


The chart can be additionally filtered by Location and Billability (billable and non-billable).

Likes/Dislikes chart

Likes/Dislikes chart shows the occurrence of likes and dislikes allowing to assess what should be either promoted or eliminated.

Both Likes and Dislikes are displayed by default. You can change this by clicking the corresponding item in the Legend:


The chart can be additionally filtered by Location and Billability (billable and non-billable).

Project Motivation chart

Project Motivation chart visualizes the dynamic of employees' project motivation statuses' changes and their distribution over 12 months period. Only active profiles are included in the statistics. You can find the list of all Motivation statuses here: Motivation

We also display the motivation index per month. 

Motivation index is calculated as a sum of profiles' number with concrete motivation category multiplied by category weight and divided by headcount. There are the following weights of motivation categories:

Exhausted/Escalated = -3,

Demotivated/Latent = -2,

Demotivated/Highlighted = -1,

Happy/Passive = 1,

Excited/Active = 2.

People without set motivation will not be included in calculations.

When a user clicks on any point (month) on the chart, then the drilldown is being opened.


The chart can be additionally filtered by Location and Billability (billable and non-billable).

Risk of Leaving vs Project Impact chart

Risk of Leaving vs Project Impact chart shows the number of team members with each combination of risk of leaving and project impact at the moment and the percentage of these team members from the total headcount. Active profiles are included in the statistics.

The bubbles on the chart are multicoloured. There are 4 colours indicating whether the manager's attention is needed or not:

Immediate Reaction

(Risk of Leaving = Leaver OR High) AND (Project Impact = Critical OR High)

Need Action

(Risk of Leaving = Leaver OR High) AND (Project Impact = Moderate OR Low)

Pay Attention

Risk of Leaving = Medium AND (Project Impact = Critical OR High)

No Worries

  1. Risk of Leaving = Medium AND (Project Impact = Moderate OR Low)

  2. Risk of Leaving = Low

The size of bubbles differs upon the number of profiles with this status to draw attention.

When a user clicks on any bubble on the chart, then the drilldown is being opened.

And there are no bubbles if there are no team members meeting the Risk of Leaving conditions.


The chart can be additionally filtered by Location and Billability (billable and non-billable).