Commits size by day


Commit size by day shows a size of individual commits in a project code base per selected GIT repository (branch) for the last 180 days - by a particular author. 

How metric helps

Commit size by day reveals if a team tends to make large commits or prefer making small changes. There are pros and cons in both approaches. Small commits allows you to go back to the previous baseline with less efforts so that it is easier to prevent major failure. At the same time commits should be logical enough so that they might be mapped to a bigger feature.

How metric works

Chart overview

Chart shows a size of commit by day in a line of code - Axis Y by day - Axis X. The chart can be viewed for a particular repository and user. Use zoom to view the chart day by day.

Next to the chart name there is a link to navigate to the GIT repository ('arrow' icon) for further details.


Total size of commits for a pair user/repository is a number of code lines created by this user in this repository on a considered day.

The depth of calculation is the last 180 days.

RAG thresholds: n/a.

Data Source

Data for the metric can be collected from GIT.