Available variations of Lead Time metric

PERF contains several metrics which answer "how long a task took to be accomplished?". Information below explains what they are and what the differences are.  


Calculation logic


Data Source


Calculation logic


Data Source

Lead Time

Lead time = Tdone - Tcreated, where

Tdone - moment in time the ticket is put into a status belonging to "Done" bucket. 

Tcreated - moment in time when the ticket was created.

to monitor Kanban project performance

Task Tracking Tools (e.g. Jira, TFS)

Average Lead Time

Average Lead Time = Σ Lead Time / N, where

Lead Time - time for a single issue at the date;

N - number of issues transferred to Done bucket at the date.

to monitor Kanban project performance

Task Tracking Tools (e.g. Jira, TFS)

Pipeline Lead Time

Pipeline Time for a single pipeline:

PT  = Ptend - Ptstart, where

Ptend - timestamp of a pipeline end

Ptstart - timestamp of a pipeline start

to monitor a CI/CD process

Build and pipeline tools (e.g. Jenkins, GitLab CI)

Average Pipeline Lead Time

Average Pipeline Lead Time:

PTavg =ΣPTi/N, where

PTi  - pipeline time of a single pipeline;

N - number of successful pipelines in a considered week

to monitor a CI/CD process

Build and pipeline tools (e.g. Jenkins, GitLab CI)

Scrum Cycle Time

SCTsprint =∑SCTsprint_i /N, where

SCTsprint_i  = "End" timestamp of a sprint in which an item was accomplished (e.g. story done) - "Start" timestamp of a sprint into which an item was planned for the first time

N - a number of issues get into a Done status within a selected sprint excluding invalid bugs.

to monitor Scrum project performance

Task Tracking Tools (e.g. Jira, TFS)