Azure DevOps Boards

To obfuscate necessary fields for Azure DevOps Boards you need to do the following steps:

  1. Go to Data Sources Configuration page.

  2. Select ‘Additional configurations’ step (#6).

  3. Click on the ‘Obfuscation’ tab.

PERF shows via the toggles the Predefined fields that contain sensitive info (Created by, Assigned to, Resolved by, Sprint name, Ticket title), and all Custom fields that were added at the Fields mapping (#3), Scope management (#4), Quality management (#5) steps.

Azure DevOps Boards2.png
  1. Activate necessary toggles (=fields).

PERF obfuscates non-numeric Custom fields. Numeric Custom fields are not available (not displayed) for obfuscation.

  1. Click Save to finish.

PERF runs full data load.


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