Obfuscation is a process that intentionally makes information unclear or confusing. In the context of PERF, it allows you to choose specific fields during Data Source configuration that may contain personal or sensitive data. These selected fields are then stored in the PERF database with obfuscated values, ensuring privacy. This functionality applies to both predefined fields and custom fields, providing an added layer of security for your metrics.
The following catalogue metrics are affected by the obfuscation:
Velocity: Committed vs. Completed
Commitment Rate
Sprint Completion Snapshot
Release Completion Snapshot
Releases by month
Scrum Cycle Time
Bug Growth by Sprints
Backlog Health
Sprint Plan Change
Sprint Scope Creep
Sprint Scope Stability
Requirements Rewritten After Became Ready
Improper Dependencies by Sprints
+ 'Summary' section in drill down of metrics
Enabling the obfuscation: