Capacity widget shows a team planned capacity based on an individual number of working hours.
Control panel
Controls at the top panel allow navigation over a timeline with 2-week hops.
It is possible to download a time sheet for a custom time period or for the last 90/30/7 days:
Some people may be excluded from the calculation at Capacity, Workload, and Estimation screen. The changes are applied after the nearest data load.
Capacity & Time sheet board
This page shows available capacity for every team member per day. A green figure means daily productive hours on a project. Editable via simple click. Can be tailored to any desired default value for the whole project. Every cell also displays a logged effort by a person for the day - at a right top corner. Weekends give no capacity by default (but can be easily changed - see explanation below).
Working hours default setting
Default value set in Project settings is 6 hours.
How people are picked for this screen:
Checking issues in a task tracking system and taking names of people who modified any from an item attributes within a selected time frame: Status, Sprint, Fix Version, Assignee, Original Estimate, Remaining Estimate, Story Points, Flag (on or off), Labels, Priority, Issue Type, Description.
Adding a reporter of each issue created within a selected time frame. Updated issues within this time frame are not counted.
Adding everyone who logged their time to a task tracking system within a selected time frame.
Operations with an individual capacity:
Change a workload % for a person starting from a specific date - click a person name and set desired % and date in the popup.
Set a specific day to OFF or ON for bulk adjustment of team capacity - click a date and check right box.