Table of Contents |
With Basic permissions (users with Employee roles) you can only view positions, which have already started and have been linked to the Personal Employee Profiles.
With Advanced permissions (users with Unit Manager/Admin roles) you can:
Already started positions linked to Personal Employee Profiles
Not-yet-started positions with candidates
Not-yet-started positions without candidates
Manage not-started positions: create, edit, delete them
Manage already started positions: edit workload, change position termination option, change position duration (End Date)
View the Bench section
For managers with Advanced permissions (users with Unit Manager/Admin roles) there are two sensitive metrics Attrition Risk Index and Performance Meet+ Index:
Column | Description |
Role | Displays role, specified for the corresponding position |
Team Member | For started (actual) positions linked to Personal Profiles:
For not-yet-started (planned) positions with candidates:
For not-yet-started (planned) positions without candidates:
Required Skills | Displays required skills specified for the corresponding position |
Location | For started (actual) positions linked to Personal Profiles:
For not-yet-started (planned) positions with candidates:
View Profile - opens team member's Personal Employee Profile;
Workloads & Dates - the same logic as described here: Position Management for actual positions;
Update Performance - You can update monthly performance here. The same logic as described here: Monthly view;
Set profile's project Risk of Leaving - the same logic as described here: Risk of Leaving;
Set profile's Critical Role on Unit - the same logic as described here: Critical Role on Unit;
Set profile's Motivation - the same logic as described here: Motivation;
Set profile's Likes/Dislikes - the same logic as described here: Likes/Dislikes;
Create an Action Item - the same logic as described here: Action Items;
Propose Successor for the selected Role Holder - the same logic as described here: Succession Module;
Copy Link to a particular profile in TEAMS just by clicking on the Quick Menu option.
Financial indicators
The Show Finance toggle is available for users with the Rates Viewer/Mapper/Editor role.
When the Show Finance toggle is ON, the financial information is visible to a user.
If a position does not have a Rate Card Mapping yet, then a message 'Please map with a rate card' for Finance Rates Mappers and Rates Editors/ 'The position wasn’t mapped with the rate card' for Finance Rates Viewers is displayed in a position's row. This message indicates that the position's costs are not calculated yet, which means that financial indicators might be not precise.
Rate Card Mapping option in the quick menu of a position that is not mapped to a Rate Card yet
'Please map with a rate card' message (available only for Finance Rates Mappers and Rates Editors)
The sidebar contains the table of Rate Cards, which allows to do filtering and searching. Only one Rate Card may be selected and saved. The Rates of a selected Rate Card are used in the calculation of position costs.
If a position is mapped to a rate card, but this rate card does not cover some months of a position, then in the Positions table corresponding months columns of a position will contain a red calendar icon. On click of the icon, the user gets navigated to the Edit Rate Card sidebar, where rate periods might be prolonged. This button is available only for Rates Editors.
Other Costs management
What is Other Cost? Other Costs cover expenditures not related to positions. An Other Cost is always associated with some specific unit from which the cost has been created.
The sidebar opens on click of the other costs icon located at the unit header and contains the list of Other Costs related to the unit. All child unit other costs are also included.
The sidebar is available both for Finance Rates Viewers, Rates Mappers and Finance Rates Editors.
The table contains the following columns:
Column | Description |
Cost Type | Displays type of Other Cost with a path if a Cost Type belongs to a Parent Cost Category. |
Comment | Displays comment. |
Unit | Displays unit to which Other Cost belongs. |
Calendar section | The calendar section contains the list of months for the period starting from 1 year ago from the current month and 2 years forward from the current month. Each month column contains the amount of money per cost per specific month. Repetition of cost is calculated based on the fields Repeat, Date/Start Date & End Date of Cost. |
The Add Cost button on the Other Costs sidebar is available only for Finance Rates Mappers and Rates Editors. It opens the Add Cost sidebar, which allows the user to add a new Other Cost and has the following fields:
The Edit Cost sidebar is available only for Finance Rates Mappers and Rates Editors, shares the same set of fields with the Add Cost sidebar and allows to edit existing costs. Please note that changes in the fields Repeat, Date/Start Date & End Date affect finance indicators and trigger recalculation.
The View Cost sidebarallows you to view details of a specific cost in the table.
For the Finance Editors Rates Mappers and Rates Editors there are two available action controls at the sidebar:
Bench section is not a part of the organization hierarchy and is only available for users with Advanced Permissions (users with Unit Manager/Admin roles).
Bench section displays the list of employees whose total workload for all their positions in the organization is less than 100% for the selected period. Selected period = period applied in the Advanced search. If no filter for period is applied, current month is considered as the selected period.
The toggle is displayed only when the user has Finance View/Finance Edit permissionsthe Rates Viewer/Mapper/Editor role.
By default, the toggle is ON.