TEAMS - Growth Tab

Growth tab

Growth tab shows information about the Succession growth of the Role Holder. The tab and its content are available for both managers (managerial view) and employees themselves ('ME' view).

There are 2 widgets on this tab:

  • Successor for

  • Mentor for

'Successor for' widget

The widget shows all succession activities which the team member (profile owner) participates in as a Successor (if the team member wants to prepare for a new role himself). The widget contains the following information:

  • Status text: Proposed - when the team member was proposed as a Successor

  • Information about the role(s), where the team member was proposed or assigned for as a Successor (name of the role + project code)

When the team member does not participate in any succession activities as a Successor, the widget is displayed in zero state:

Widget is clickable: clicking on the widget will open Successor for section in a second slide-out sidebar. 

'Successor for' detailed view

This section of the User Guide gives a quick overview of the content and available actions in the 'Successor for' section of Personal Employee Profile. For more detailed information about the Succession Management process flow please go here.

Successor for section contains separate cards for all the succession activities the team member (Role Holder) participates in as a Successor.

Each card contains:

  • Information about the succession activity: 

    • Proposed for <Role> on <Project>, where:

      1. <Role> - name of the role, the team member was proposed for

      2. <Project> - project, where the role resides

  • Succession Plan completion widget 

  • Succession status

  • Number of Action Items added to Succession Plan (<completed/total>)

  • Add button (available for Mentor only, when Succession Plan has not been created yet) - allows Mentor to create a Succession Plan from scratch

  • View button - allows managers with full access to the team member's profile and employees in their own profiles to view the Succession Plan

  • Primary Skill - displays Primary Skill of the current Role Holder

  • Proposed by - employee, who proposed the Successor

  • Succession comment (if any) - can contain details about the Succession Plan

  • Mentor for this succession activity (if any) 

  • Start Date in Role for the Profile owner (if specified)

  • Ready for the Role button (available for Mentor only)

With these cards you can:

  1. As the Profile owner (from 'ME' view):

    1. View information about your succession activities as a Successor

    2. View Succession Plan for each program (if exists)

    3. Open Succession Plan and execute tasks in it (change statuses of attached Action Items)

  2. As a team member's manager:

    1. View information about succession activities you subordinate participates in as a Successor

    2. View Succession Plan for each program (if exists)

  3. As a team member's Mentor in succession activity:

    1. View information about succession activities you subordinate participates in (only where assigned as Mentor) as a Successor

    2. Add a Succession Plan for each program where assigned as Mentor

    3. View and manage the Succession Plan for each program where assigned as Mentor

    4. Mark Successor as Ready for the Role (both from Succession Plan and the Succession card)

'Mentor for' widget

The widget shows all succession activities which the team member (profile owner) participates in as a Mentor (if the team member prepares someone else for a new role). The widget contains the following information:

  • Total number of Mentee(s)

  • Mentee's Full Name 

When the team member does not participate in any succession activities as a Mentor, the widget is displayed in zero state:

Widget is clickable: clicking on the widget will open Mentor for section in a second slide-out sidebar. 

'Mentor for' detailed view

This section of the User Guide gives a quick overview of the content and available actions in the 'Mentor for' section of Personal Employee Profile. For more detailed information about the Succession Management process flow please go here.

Mentor for section contains separate cards for all the succession activities the team member (Role Holder) participates in as a Mentor.

For Mentees in Proposed status the following card is displayed:

Card content is similar to Successor card described here.

With these cards you can:

  1. As the Profile owner (from 'ME' view):

    1. View information about your succession activities as a Mentor

    2. Add a Succession Plan for each program

    3. View and manage Succession Plan for each program (if exists)

    4. Mark Successor as Ready for the Role (both from Succession Plan and the Succession card)

  2. As a team member's manager:

    1. View information about succession activities you subordinate participates in as a Mentor

    2. View Succession Plan for each program (if exists), where you have a full access to the Successor's profile.