TEAMS - How to use Custom Fields


Custom Fields provides the functionality for cred mapping to Unit Managers (Key Staff) and Employees in Closed Tasks Distribution Metric in the employee's Personal Profile. 

The metric shows the actual amount of closed issues from another system. 

How to add Custom Fields 

Please note: 

Data for closed tasks or commits is taken automatically from the PERF application. 

To start receiving and visualizing data about closed tasks or commits you need to:

  1. From PERF side: Add and configure the Data Source as described in the PERF user guide. 

  2. From TEAMS side: Set Custom Fields specifying your team member's account or user name in the Task Management tool. See details in the quick instruction provided below.

PERMISSIONS: Each employee has permission to configure his Custom Fields. Also, we provide the ability to specify Custom Fields for team members for Unit Managers on the project.

There are two possible options of how to add a Custom Field:

  1. Add Custom Fields per profile -  manually in a profile

  2. Add Custom Fields per team using a mask - automatically to the whole Account after setting up a mask

How to add Custom Fields per profile

Here is a quick instruction on how to do that:

  1. Open the Employee's profile on the project where you'd like to add Custom Fields

  2. Go to the Custom Fields tab and press the 'Plus' button

    You also can press the Add Custom Field button in the tab if there is no data available

  3. In the opened sidebar you need to specify Name for the Custom Field: 

    And you need to enter Value for the selected Name:

Name types of Custom Fields: 

Release and Task Tracking (JIRA, Rally, TFS)

For Jira: Add a Custom Field by entering an email in the format 'user@domain' and a Full name in the format 'Name Surname' related to your Jira account as separate Custom Fields.

For Rally and TFS: Add a Custom Field by entering an email in the format 'user@domain' related to your Rally and TFS account.

Note, that updating Custom Fields and chart information might take up to 24 h.

Source Code Management (GIT)

For Git: Add Custom Field by entering an email in the format 'user@domain' related to your account.

Enter all possible Emails and Full Names (current and previous ones).

Note, that updating Custom Fields and chart information might take up to 24 h.

  1. Press Add button to apply your input

  2. Card with the newly added Custom Field will appear in the Tab: 

During the next data load execution (it runs automatically each night), PERF will verify the user Custom Field provided in the customer task Management tool (JIRA, Rally, TFS) or Source code management system (Git).

In case, a user is found using Custom Fields you have provided - we will automatically load found data for this person and display it on the Closed Tasks Distribution Metric in Personal Employee Profile and TEAMS Closed Tasks Metric displayed on Productivity perspective. 

In case such user name is not found for the Custom Fields you've provided - the data will not be loaded and this will result in the lack of data for the related metrics. In this case, please, double check your input and make the required changes.

How to add Custom Fields per team using a mask

Here is a quick instruction on how to do that:

  1. Navigate to the Account level in TEAMS (My Team) module and go to → Settings → Custom Fields

  2. Press the Add New button

  3. In the opened window you need to select a Name: 

Scroll this guide up to the tip for more information about the Value types for Custom Fields.

  1. And you need to enter a Custom Field template: 

Please note:


To create Ivan_Ivanou@domain

use <Name>_<Surname>@domain

To create IvanIvanou@domain

use <Name><Surname>@domain

To create I_Ivanou@domain

use <FirstletterName>_<Surname>@domain


You can use the following Masks:

<Name> - use employee name

<Surname>- use employee Surname

<FirstletterName> - use employee first letter from name

<FirstletterSurName> - use employee first letter from surname

any text without tags boarders should be used 'as is' + including '.' (dots), '_' (underscore) and etc.


Name/surname separators recognized

Currently our application recognizes the following separators between employee's name and surname for Custom Field templates:



e.g. when Employee has Hanna.Rafalskaya as a display name.

If your configuration has different <Name> <Surname> separator, please, contact support.

  1. Press the Add button to start preparing a Custom Field for each team member from the Account level in automatic mode. 

  2. You can find the Custom Field prepared via automatic mask in TEAMS → Personal Employee Profile → Custom Fields tabÂ