Configure project settings
You can configure project settings for any project existing in PERF. Configuration includes general settings and advanced settings for a project.
General settings
On the main menu, click Perf, and then open the required project.
On the right of the toolbar, click the Configure Data Sources icon. The Data Sources Configuration opens.
3. In the Project Settings tab, enter project data:
Customer name
Project start date
Project end date
Contact email
4. Select the primary unit of measurement:
Story Points
Information about the primary unit of measurement will be used for calculating micro metrics on the Portfolio Metrics page, and as a primary option for velocity related metrics on the Delivery Metrics page.
5. Click Save Project Settings.
Advanced settings
Click Advanced Settings button on the Data Sources Configuration page > Project Settings tab. The block with additional settings expands.
2. In the appeared block specify the following settings:
# | Setting | Objective of Setting | Description |
1 | Effort exceeds estimates significantly | To access how accurate a team makes estimations. | The RED zone in your chart includes items where logged effort exceeds estimates as
2 | Effort exceeds estimates | To access how accurate a team makes estimations. | The AMBER zone in your chart includes items where logged effort exceeds estimates as
3 | Effort less than estimates | To access how accurate a team makes estimations. | The GREEN and BLUE zones in your chart include items where estimate accuracy is:
The default value = 0.8. |
4 | Effective working hours per day | To define capacity and track team workload more accurately | Set actual amount of working hours per day on your project, excluding meetings and other activities. The default value = 6 h. |
5 | Data load initiation (UTC hours) | To adjust schedule for your project. | The default time for data load initiation is 00:00 UTC. Example: You have your metrics calculated by 9:00 AM in your time zone. To adjust your project schedule, specify the starting time for data load as any value from 00:00 through 23:00. |
6 | Ignore data before project start date | To ignore data generated before start date that is specified in General Project settings. | For example, task tracking system tickets that were closed before project start date and sprints or releases that were ended before project start date, will be ignored. |
3. Click Save Project Settings.