First Time Right


First Time Right shows a percentage of resolved issues without returns.

How metric helps

First-Time-Right can indicate on an amount of waste produced during a delivery process. This helps find out what types of work generate the most of that waste (i.e. "returns"). After that there must be made a thorough analysis in every case.

How metric works

Chart overview

A chart shows a percentage of non-reopened items (per their types, including the "All-in-one") by following iterations: 

  • Week

  • Month

  • Quarter

So that the axis X shows calendar week dates; month names; and quarter order numbers correspondingly. By click on series a drill down opens which lists the issues details included into the calculation.


First Time Right % = N_no_returns / N_total * 100%,


  • N_no_returns - a number of items that never went to previous buckets (e.g. Done → ToDo or Done → In Progress) per statuses defined in a Project Configuration.

  • N_total - a total number of items accomplished within a particular iteration (a week, a month, ...)

Data Source

Data for the metric can be collected from a task tracking system (Jira, TFS, Rally, etc.)