Releases by Month
Releases by month shows a number of releases per calendar month.
How metric helps
Releases by month is a measure of how often new updates are available for end-users. This helps to ensure the stability of a software development life cycle and guarantee a software capability to reach end users' goals via transparency through incremental updates (of a software solution).
How metric works
Chart overview
Chart shows a number of releases (Axis Y) per calendar month (Axis X).
On hover over a series a hint appears containing:
Amount of Releases within that month
A list of names for those releases, with a start and end date for each of them.
Releases by Month is a number of released versions (releases) in a selected month. Released version is a version in the tasks tracking tool with a status 'Released'.
RAG thresholds: no.
Data Source
Data for the metric can be collected from Jira/Rally.