Open Issue Aging


Open Issue Aging reveals the duration of an issue stay in backlog (by issue type) before it's taken into work. In other words, it shows an "age" of items in "To Do" state (bucket). 

How metric helps

Open Issue Aging helps to ensure that a team backlog remains fresh and relevant. It also allows to identify and purge obsolete issues.

How metric works

Chart overview

Open Issue Aging is measured in days. Chart shows for now a number of items by type that spent from 1 to >60 days. By click on series a drill down opens which lists the issues included into calculation.


Open Issue Aging is calculated for the issues that are in To Do status bucket per Project Configuration.

Open Issue Aging = <Today's date> - <Date created for the issue>


WITH ticket_scope AS ( SELECT id, url, key, priority, summary, type, CURRENT_DATE - created::date AS age FROM ticket WHERE parent_task is null AND is_to_do(id) ), result AS ( SELECT type, COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 0 AND 7 THEN 1 END) AS "0-7 days", COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 8 AND 15 THEN 1 END) AS "8-15 days", COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 16 AND 30 THEN 1 END) AS "16-30 days", COUNT(CASE WHEN age BETWEEN 31 AND 60 THEN 1 END) AS "31-60 days", COUNT(CASE WHEN age > 60 THEN 1 END) AS "> 60 days" FROM ticket_scope GROUP BY type ) SELECT * FROM result;

----DRILL DOWN----

0 - 7 days 

select case when url is not null then '[' || key || '](' || url || ')' else key end as "Issue Id", type as "Type", priority as "Priority", summary as "Summary", age as "Issue aging, days" FROM ticket_scope s WHERE type = clicked_x_value AND age BETWEEN 0 AND 7 ORDER BY age, key;

8 - 15 days 

select case when url is not null then '[' || key || '](' || url || ')' else key end as "Issue Id", type as "Type", priority as "Priority", summary as "Summary", age as "Issue aging, days" FROM ticket_scope s WHERE type = clicked_x_value AND age BETWEEN 8 AND 15 ORDER BY age, key;

16 - 30 days 

31 - 60 days 

>60 days 

Data Source

Data for the metric can be collected from a task tracking system (Jira, TFS/VSTS, Rally, etc.)