Pipeline Mean Time to Recovery
Pipeline Mean Time to Recovery shows the average time a pipeline takes to recover from a failure.
How metric helps
Pipeline Mean Time to Recovery helps to reveal an overall efficiency of an integration process and to highlight the most problematic entities (branches).
How it works
Chart overview
Chart shows Pipeline Mean Time to Recovery in minutes - Axis Y, by calendar week - Axis X. The number of series in the chart is a number of selected branches in Project Configuration for a Git Lab CI data source. Legend shows the last values of the metric by branch.
Metric setting “How many last values to display” - means showing on the chart the chosen number of values per each branch within metric configuration.
When hover over a series hint appears:
1st row <week start-end date>
2nd row <Branch name>: <metric value in %>
3rd row <Pipeline Mean Time To Recovery>
Next to the chart name there is a link to GIT repository ('arrow').
Calculation formula
Red Pipeline Time segment = timestamp of the pipeline 'red' status end - timestamp of the pipeline 'red' status start
Pipeline Mean Time To Recovery = ∑Time To Recovery/N,
Time To Recovery, min = timestamp of ‘green’ pipeline start - timestamp ‘red’ pipeline start;
N is a number of Red Pipeline Time segments.
RAG thresholds: n/a.
Calculation is illustrated in the picture below:
Data Source
Data for the metric can be collected from Jenkins/GITLab CI. When using Jenkins make sure Pipeline plugin is installed.