Deployment Frequency


Deployment Frequency shows a number of deployments per calendar month/week. This is to understand an average pace of changes deployed to Production environment on a project. According to Agile principles, a rule of thumb is to deploy smaller increments but more frequently

At the moment, metric includes in calculation only automated runs (deployments).
Manual deployments are not taken into account.

How metric helps

Deployment Frequency is a measure of how frequently your team deploys code changes. This metric answers the question “how often do we deploy to production or staging or other env through the CI/CD pipeline?”

As per Agile principles, a good practice is to deploy more frequently in a smaller chunks. This metric, showing what are deployment averages today, can help chasing more advanced targets, for example to reach a deployment frequency of once per week during the next quarter. 

How it works

Chart overview

Chart shows a number of deployments (Axis Y) per calendar month or weeks (Axis X). If multiple jobs are being monitored (set in Project Configuration) - each job is displayed as a separate series - column.

Next to the chart name there is a link to navigate to CI/CD tool ('arrow' icon) for further details.

On hover over a series a hint appears containing:

  • Time interval;

  • Amount of deployments during that interval;

  • Job name deployed successfully to the selected environment.

Calculation formula

Deployment Frequency is number of successful runs of deployment jobs. Deployment job is a job selected in CI/CD data source configuration in 'Select jobs used for deployment: to production environment; to other environments' (see also PERF Data Source - Jenkins). 

RAG thresholds: no.

Data Source

Data for the metric can be collected from Jenkins/GitLab CI.

See Also